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"Now Thank We All Our God"

Sermons for Thanksgiving
Year C
"Being A Wandering Aramean"
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Thankful for What?
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
John 6:25-35
"Being A Wandering Aramean"

Deuteronomy 26:1-11

We are a nation of immigrants. We all came from somewhere else. Some like the pilgrims crossed the Atlantic Ocean on ships seeking freedom and a new life. Some came across the Pacific Ocean seeking opportunity farther east in the American West. Some were taken captive and brought over against their will on slave ships. Even the Native Americans' ancestors walked here from Siberia.

Thanksgiving, in its American form, is uniquely American, but setting aside a day for giving thanks is not as unique as one might think. You see Israel had a very similar Thanksgiving Day. Like us Israel was a nation of immigrants. For 400 years they had been slaves in Egypt before they immigrated for 40 years to the Promised Land seeking freedom. Like American immigrants, they found a land flowing with milk and honey but also filled with new dangers. Even Abraham and Sarah, who were the first to receive the promise of the land, had been immigrants from Ur.

"A wandering Aramean was my ancestor." That is true of us today. Maybe as we all gather at the Thanksgiving table this week we should all recite this passage before saying grace. We have traveled a long way to get where we are. It has been an exodus through a wilderness of dangers and pitfalls. All for the shining hope of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"A wandering Aramean was my ancestor." We have wanders quite a ways in just this last year. We have gone from economic growth to the edge of recession. We have gone from as sense of national security to being victims of terrorism. We have gone from a state of peace to a state of war. We have gone from not knowing who would be the president to having a president with record setting approval ratings.

"Thankful for What?"
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
John 6:25-35

We have a lot to be thankful for. The clothes on our backs that keep us warm, the food in our cupboards that keeps us fed, the houses we live in as well as the homes that nurture and protect us. In this country we are blessed with a wealth of material and political blessings that people in other countries only dream of. By third world standards even the poor in America are rich. And we take for granted liberties that are revolutionary in some places. And we are healthy enough to gather here and for that we give thanks.

We certainly do have a lot to be thankful for, but too often we forget all these blessing in the midst of our worries. Instead of seeing that the glass is half full we worry that it is half empty. We worry about having new and nicer clothes, or better food. We are distraught because our economy is not doing as well as we like. We focus on our physical pains and disabilities instead of seeing what we can do.

We have a lot to be thankful for: Food, clothing, material needs security family. But if we stop there we will miss the greater part of the blessings we have. That is what Jesus' followers did. Jesus had recently fed the crowd of 5,000. The disciples who had nothing were greatly blessed by it. Their empty stomachs were filled. So the next morning they come back to Jesus seeking more bread.

We have a treasure trove of spiritual blessings to be thankful for. Just consider the Bible. Today is Bible Sunday. How may of you brought your Bible's? Some have said that the Bible is the least read best seller of all time. Most people own several Bibles, but how many have read them. Here is a treasure chest full of inspiring stories of God and people of faith. We call it "God's Word" but do we pay attention to it.

-Take time this Thanksgiving to give thanks for the spiritual blessings we have in Christ. Jesus said "I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst." God gives us eternal life. God also give us food and clothing and all the necessities of life. We should give thanks for these material blessing and use them to bless others. But let's not overlook the heavenly food that God gives.

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