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"A New Testament"
Jeremiah 31:31-34
"Give me that New Time Religion!"
Hebrews 13:10-16
"A New Testament"

Jeremiah 31:31-34

"The days are surely coming says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the House of Judah." (Jer. 31:31) A "new covenant?" What's a covenant? "Covenant" is just not a world that people use much now a days. Basically a covenant was an agreement of contract between two parties. We are familiar with contracts. Two people sign a piece of paper and agree to fulfill certain responsibilities.

Another word for Covenant is Testament. That brings us to the passage in Jeremiah that we just read. Jeremiah says that God is drafting a new contract, a new covenant, a new testament. The old testament was written on stones and the people often ignored those written words. Often times they misunderstood or were led to misunderstand them. The laws were an expression of God's will, yet they could not see their true meaning.

We the present day church, are the fulfillment of that prophesy. Jesus came and died for our sins to pay for the price for our salvation. And he promised the Holy Spirit to all His believers. That Holy Spirit communicates with our hearts and helps us to see the true will of God.

"Give me that New Time Religion!"

Hebrews 13:10-16

One day the Prime Minister of Israel was visiting the President of the United States. They were sitting in the Oval office just talking. Then the President pointed to a red phone on his desk. With a proud air he said, "Have you ever seen one of these? It is a dedicated line to God.

This idea is pretty basic to us modern day Christians. But I think we often miss what this really means. The thing that Hebrews does is that it uses the symbols and the imagery of the Old Testament, the old time religion, to explain the New Testament, the new time religion. So to understand what is being said here we have to understand the old time religion of the Old Testament.\

The next thing that Hebrews says is, "For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest as a sacrifice for sin are burned outside the camp." The first verse focused on the sacrificial system as a whole, but this verse focuses on a particular part of the sacrificial system of the old religion. Specifically the Day of Atonement. Once a year an animal was sacrificed for the sins of the people and the blood from the sacrifice was taken by the High Priest into the innermost sanctuary called the Holy of Holies to be sprinkled there. This made atonement to God for the sins of all Israel. Unlike some other sacrifices, the body of the animal for this sacrifice was not eaten by the priests. Instead it was taken outside the camp and burned like trash.

So, through Jesus we have a direct line to God and we are made insiders by the one who came outside to die for us. So what should we do in response to this great act of God's grace? "Therefore let us go forth to him outside the camp and bear the abuse he endured." We should go where Jesus is. He went outside of the boundaries of the old time religion to bring God's grace to those who were closed out. We too should take the gospel to the people outside the church so that they can have a local line to God through Jesus Christ. Like him we may suffer abuse for that, but that is little in comparison to the sacrifice he made for us.

"Oh give me that new time religion, give me that new time religion, give me that new time religion its good enough for me!" The old time religion of the Old Testament was about separation from God. And that is appropriate for humanity is separated from God by sin. But reaching God required making a long distance phone call through priests and sacrifices. The long distance phone bill included animals slaughtered on the altar.