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Sermon for Ascension Day
"You Are My Witnesses"
Luke 24:44-53
"What is Our Hope?"
Ephesians 1:15-23
Acts 1:1-11
"Where is Jesus Now?"
Acts 1:1-11
"Mothers All"
(originally written for Mother's Day)
Ephesians 1:15-23
Mark 3:31-35
"You Are My Witnesses"

Luke 24:44-53

Jesus was about to ascend to heaven. He had done so much and the disciple had experienced so much. He had taught profoundly about the Kingdom of God: it is like a mustard seed, or a good Samaritan or a father with two sons � He had healed the sick and walked on water and raised the dead and fed the multitudes. He had cared for his disciples with an abundance of love even when he knew they would betray and abandon him. He had spoken with a Samaritan woman at the well. He ate with sinners. Then he died on the cross for their sins and rose again on the third day.

The disciples followed through on Jesus' orders. They preached the Gospel and told of Jesus. Phillip and Peter and Paul and the others spread the word. They proclaimed the Good News beginning in Jerusalem and then to the world. And the people they influenced passed the message on. Then that generation passed the good news on and were Jesus' witnesses.

So what do you have to do to be Jesus' witnesses? First of all, you have to have witnessed something. You can't be a witness to something you did not actually see. If you are called as a witness to a car accident and you were on the other side of town when it happened, you will not be a legitimate witness. Have you ever heard the Good News to Jesus Christ? Have you ever heard or read that Jesus said "Blessed are the poor in spirit?" Have you ever read or heard that Jesus healed the sick or raised the dead? If so say "amen."

So to be Jesus' witnesses we have to have witnessed Jesus and the Good News. Second you have to tell the truth. A good witness is one that tells the truth about what they have witnessed. If a witness lies, then their lies will be revealed in cross examination and they will be discredited and no one will believe what they said. I have heard some astounding and extraordinary testimonies.

Jesus said "You are his witnesses." But first you have to have witnessed something. You have to know the teachings and Jesus and the Good News of his death and resurrection. You also have to experience the truth of that Gospel. You have to have surrendered yourself to God in Christ.

"What is Our Hope?"
Ephesians 1:15-23
Acts 1:1-11

Once upon a time there was a man who wanted to see Niagara falls. He lived back when people didn't travel much and most travel was on horseback or on foot. But he had heard how beautiful and magnificent it was. So he set out on the long journey to see the falls for himself. When he was getting close, less than a day's journey away, he could hear a very faint roar. He stopped that night at an inn and was speaking with the owner. He discovered that the innkeeper had lived there his whole life. So he asked the innkeeper, "Is that roar I heard the sound of Niagara falls from a day's journey away. The innkeeper replied, "That is what I have been told." And to the man's amazement he discovered that the innkeeper who had lived only a days journey form Niagara falls his whole life had never gone to see it. Yet he had traveled a long way to witness its power.

Now at this point you are saying to yourselves, "The preacher is going to preach a three point sermon." Aha! Gottcha! When I first started writing this sermon I thought it would be a three point sermon too, but then I started working on what I though was the first point "What is the hope," and I realized something. I realized that what I though were points 2 and 3 were actually explanations of "What is our hope." Paul here is explaining what is the hope in terms of "riches" and "power."

Paul speaks of our hope in terms of the riches of our glorious inheritance, but he also talks about "the immeasurable greatness of his power in us who believe." What is "his power." It is the power to speak world into existence. It is the power of Creation. It is the power that said let there be light and there was. It is the power that raised Jesus from the dead and will one day raise all of us who have put our faith in him.

Jesus' resurrection and ascension are examples and illustrations of this hope Paul is describing. Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples for forty days. They saw him with their own eyes. He ate with them and they touched him. Yet he appeared and disappeared at will. This is an illustration of our hope for life everlasting.

Do you hear that? Off in the distance. It's a roar. Like a mighty waterfall far off in the distance. You're from these parts, tell me is that the riches and power of God in Christ? I and many others have been search a long time for that hope. You mean you have never gone to see for yourself. You have never bothered to journey from the edge of salvation to the center of God's power and glory. You have never sought out the riches and the power of God which is the hope of all who believe?

"Where is Jesus Now?"

Acts 1:1-11

"Sometimes I feel like a motherless child." I personally know the feeling that this African American song expresses. I was seventeen, no longer a child, when my mother died, but I still felt like a motherless child. I was alone in a way I had never been before. One night, about 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning really, I was feeling this aloneness. I needed someone to talk to, to be with, but most of my friends were asleep by that time. My home church kept the sanctuary open at night for people to come there to pray. So I decided to go to God's house and talk to Jesus.

Where is Jesus now? This is an important question. The answer determines how real a person believes Jesus can be in their life. The answer to this question determines whether someone believes Jesus is able to change lives or not. If Jesus is absent, then he cannot be at work in this world. But if he is here, then he can touch people's lives, bring them hope, and heal them of sicknesses physical and spiritual.

So "Where is Jesus now?" As you might have suspected this is a trick question. There are really two right answers. 1. Jesus is at the right hand of the father. 2. He is also here with us now. Both answers are important to our understanding of Christ as our Savior and Lord.

"Where is Jesus Now?" This is not just a question to theologians. It is not one of those questions whose answer has no bearing on our lives. It is an important question with important answers. And these answers define who we are as Christians.

Where is Jesus now? I have given you my answer. Jesus is the Lord of the Universe. He is in heaven sitting on a throne and he awaits the day when he will claim and rule over what is rightfully his. But at the same time, Jesus is here. He is alive and real. He can touch people's lives and change them. He has touched me and changed me many times.

"Mothers All"
(originally written for Mother's Day)
Ephesians 1:15-23
Mark 3:31-35

One day the worship committee of First United Methodist Church of Somewhere SC was meeting. They were discussing what to do to recognize mother's day. They decided to give a rose to the oldest mother in the congregation, and one to the mother with the most children grandchildren etc. present in church. They also decided to have all the mothers stand. Then someone on the committee got worried. What should we do about Miss. Smith? She never had any children. But she has been teaching the first grade Sunday School class for 30 years. She is like a mother to all of us. We ought to be able to recognize her on mother's day?

"Oh that sounds sweet: the preacher says all the women in the church are mothers." You don't understand! It's not sweet. Being a mother is hard. You don't know what you have gotten yourselves into. I don't know about being a mother, but I have had fifteen + years of on the job training on being a father. It's difficult. It's hard work. It's not all cuteness and smiles. It's an awesome responsibility.

In the light of this awesome responsibility that Christian mothers have I feel that our passage from Ephesians is appropriate for today. Paul wrote to the Ephesians, "I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, and for this reason I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers." In this passage Paul gives thanks for the faith and love of the Ephesians. Obviously they were a people who had great faith in Jesus. And obviously they were a people who lived out that faith in love for one another. They were a church of Christian mothers and fathers who cared well for God's children.

Like Paul, I give thanks for the faith and love of the mothers of the church. I remember the love and nurture of many of them. There was my own mother of course. Her example of faith and devotion had a great effect on me. She is one of the reasons I am a disciple of Christ today. But there were many others. One I remember particularly was Mrs. Melia. Mrs. Melia never had any children; at least not biological ones. But she led two children's choirs and a youth choir. She was a mother to every child in that church who could carry a tune and a good number who couldn't. She helped raise me in the faith. The songs of the faith that she taught me helped me to grow and to fight the spiritual battle that I needed to fight for myself.