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"A Benediction"

Revelation 3:7-8

"Benediction" The word comes from two Latin words. The first is "bene" which means "good." We get the word beneficial from it. The second is "dictus" which means "word." It is the base of the word Dictionary.

For this closing word I want to use a passage from Revelation, the book of endings and beginnings, of alpha and omega, as my model. First of all this is a letter send by Jesus to the church in Philadelphia. Philadelphia means "city of brotherly love." And I think it is fitting because of the love I have experienced here. You have been there as a family through the deaths of both Melissa's and my fathers. You have comforted us through the pains of raising our children and Melissa's blood clot. This has been a place where I and my family has been loved and where others are loved. If there is nothing else that could be said about Grace it is that it is a loving church.

God has opened a door for you. It is a door of opportunity. An opportunity to grow and to serve. It may not be easy to go through that door but that is what Jesus is calling you to do. And you may have little power to move yourself but your faithfulness in the past is proof that you can do it with God's help.

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