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Sermon for 1st Sunday in Christmastide
Year C
"My Father's Business"

Luke 2:41-52

One day the wife of a farmer was working around the house. Suddenly she noticed that her son was no where in sight. Frantically she looked and looked and called and called. When she finally found him she was amused at what she saw. Her son had taken some rope and tied it to the dog's collar in a sort of harness or yoke. At the end of the rope was tied a large stick. The boy was standing behind the dog. One end of the stick was in the ground, and the other end was in the boy�s hands. In short the boy was trying to plow the ground with the stick and his dog was the horse pulling the plow. The mother asked, "Johnny, what are you doing?" Johnny replied, "I am doing daddy's work."

I imagine God was amused those three days that Jesus was in the temple. His Son was in His house and was learning His ways. Too often we think Jesus was born knowing everything. We picture him in the manger lecturing Mary on the intricacies of the prophet Daniel, or the doctrine of the trinity. But Jesus was a boy just like any other boy only sinless. God's Son became fully human, and as a human he was born knowing nothing. He had to learn like all the others.

Meanwhile Jesus' earthly custodians were searching for him. After three days Mary and Joseph finally caught up with Jesus. And Mary, like any mother, blurted out, "Jesus, where have you been? Your Father and I have been worried sick about you." Jesus, probably afraid he would get a whipping, replied, "I thought you knew I would be in my Father's House."

Jesus in the temple is an example for us. As the King James Bible translates it, Jesus was "about" his "father's business." He was observing his Heavenly Father's actions. And he was imitating them. He was learning and growing. And I am sure he was bringing joy to his Heavenly Father's heart and a smile to His face.

Have you amused God this week? Have you been in your Father's house this week? Have you been asking questions and searching for answers. Have you been replying to the questions that the teacher has been posing. Every day of our lives, God is asking us questions through the events of our lives. We can respond to those questions and allow God to help us discover the truth, or we can ignore them. We can search the Bible and advice from Christian friends, or we can stagnate and be spiritually stunted.

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