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Sermons for Building Dedications
"The Heritage and Legacy of Grace"

Matthew 16:13-18

Today just happens to be Heritage Sunday. And coincidentally today we are celebrating a part of Grace's Heritage. In the early days of the Methodist church in late 1700's and the early 1800's circuit riding preachers traveled around the country side. When they found a group of people they preached. If there were people there the next time they came by they formed a society. After a society grew they formed a congregation. The idea was to take the church to the people just as John Wesley had done.

There was a reason for placing this church here. That ad hoc District committee had a vision. They saw the opportunity to reach out to new people. They wanted to put a church where the people were. And even before most of Harbison was here this congregation was established.

Today we celebrate a milestone in that heritage. This building was conceived of as the first in a group of buildings. This was simply phase one. Phase one was build 15 years ago. Now we celebrate the completion of that phase.

Whether you talk about our heritage or our legacy, the foundation of all of this is the confession that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God. Jesus had reached a milestone in his ministry. Jesus and the disciples had done a lot. They had healed the sick and fed the hungry masses and proclaimed the good news of the coming of God's kingdom. And Jesus was about to head toward Jerusalem to leave his final legacy for the church.

Today the heritage of Grace meets its legacy. Our heritage is that some people led by the Holy Spirit wanted to take the church to the people. Like John Wesley and the early Methodists they wanted to spread Scriptural Holiness. Some of those people envisioned a place in northwest Columbia where people could come to know Christ and make him known to others. Today we celebrate the dedication of phase one of the building that will support that vision!