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Sermon for Easter Sunday
Year C
"How Do We Get to Easter?"
John 20:1-18
"Early Risers"
John 20:1-18
"Did You Recognize Jesus?"
John 20:1-18
Luke 24:1-12
"What To Do With Easter"
John 20:1-18
"Early in the Morning"
John 20:1-18
"An Old Wives Tale"
Luke 24:1-12
"What's Up With Easter?"
John 20:1-18
"Finding the Living One Among the Dead"
Luke 24:1-12
"From 'Is He?' to 'He Is!'"
John 20:1-18
"Easter Means God Loves Them"
Acts 10:34-43
"Something Different"
John 20:1-19
"How Do We Get to Easter?"

John 20:1-18

How do we get to Easter? You know getting places has changed a lot. I can remember when you had to get out a map and find the place you wanted to go and see where the roads went. Nowadays they have these GPS things that tell you where to go and when to turn. Even us old school types usually go to the internet and get turn by turn directions.

First, you have to go through Good Friday. I know a lot of people take the bypass around Good Friday but if you do that you will end up on the wrong road. I know Good Friday is not a pleasant place. You certainly don't want to stay there. But you have to go through it to get to Easter. It is why Easter means what it does.

Mary and the other disciples went through Good Friday. Yet they still got sidetracked. Their problem was they forgot to take the Miracle Exchange. Jesus had said that he would die and on the third day rise. But they didn't dare believe that he actually meant rise from the dead. I mean that would take a miracle of Divine proportions. So when they saw the empty tomb they reached the only logical conclusion that his body must have been stolen. Because they failed to take the miracle exchange they ended up at the tomb with no access to the highway that goes to Easter.

You may still miss the destination though. You have to take on a passenger. You have to have a Jesus encounter. I know it is dangerous to pick up somebody on the road. But you know this guy. You recognize him. Even if you have never personally met him, someone you know has; otherwise you wouldn't be here today. Somebody had to tell you about Jesus at the very least.

Finally once you arrive at Easter don't forget to celebrate it! Some people seem to get to Easter then they miss the celebration. Maybe some of them took the bypass around Good Friday and so they don't realize its significance. Maybe they missed the Miracle exchange, and got stuck at the tomb. Maybe they forgot to bring Jesus along for the ride, and lost their way. Or maybe they forgot why they made the journey.

"Did You Recognize Jesus?"

John 20:1-18

Mary Magdalene was alone. At least that is the way the John tells the story. Perhaps she came just to mourn. But when she got there the stone was rolled away and the tomb was empty. So she came to the first logical conclusion. It was bad enough that they had taken Jesus life now they had even stolen his body!

Did you recognize Jesus in the story? Of course John gives it away. He tells us up front that it was Jesus talking to Mary and that she mistook him for the gardener. But would you have recognized him if John had not said so. Many of us have heard the story a hundred times so we know what is going on. Would we have recognized if we did not know what was coming?

I don't think any of us would have recognized Jesus had we been in Mary's shoes. I say that because so few people recognize Jesus in Easter. They come to church in their Easter ties and bonnets, and then go home. They are untouched by the day. For most people in the world Easter is all about the eggs and the flowers. They don't see Jesus in it.

Did you recognize Jesus today? Did you see him when he greeted you? Do you see him in the church today? He is here. It is traditional for Christians on Easter to affirm "The rise Christ is with us." Is that just wishful thinking?

Did you see Jesus today? Did you see him in the sunrise? Do you see him in the flowers? Do you see him the faces of these young people about to commit themselves to serving Christ?

"Early Risers"

John 20:1-18

Mary came to the tomb early in the morning. I'm a morning person. I imagine I am not the only morning person here. It's not that I don't like to sleep in occasionally. But I seem to do my best work before noon. And I do tend to get up earlier than other people.

So Mary was there before the dawn and it was dark. When she arrived at the tomb to her surprise she found the stone rolled away from the entrance. What's more the body was gone. So she reached the only logical conclusion that a sane person could come to. Someone had stolen his body! So she ran to tell the others.

That is the way it is with Sunrises. And that is the way it is with the truth of Easter. Sometimes it takes time for the light of it to dawn on people. Some think that Easter is just a spring festival. They think it's about celebrating the budding of the flowers and the rebirth of nature after winter.

I am glad all of you have gathered here in the darkness to see the light of a new day. But I am concerned that all you will take away from this service is the beauty of this sunrise and the birds and the flowers. All this is merely the refection of the true light of Easter. And what is that light? That light is that Jesus Christ, who died for your sins, has risen as a pledge and sign of your resurrection.


Luke 24:1-12

On Friday Jesus was nailed to a cross. He suffered and died. They drove a spear in his side to see if he was dead and blood and water flowed out. Then they took his lifeless body down from the cross before the Sabbath began at sunset. Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy and influential believer, took Jesus' body. He had it placed in a tomb and the Romans sealed it and posted a guard lest someone try to steal the body.

Why didn't they believe? Why didn't the male disciples believe the women? I mean, ladies, don't your husbands and brother and sons and fathers always believe you? Sure they knew Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and they trusted them. But dead men don't just get up and take a morning stroll through the garden. Do they?

The men disciples didn't believe what the women told them because what the women said was unbelievable. Isn't that the way most people think about the gospel today. I mean we tell the world that in Christ there is new life. We tell them that they can know peace that goes beyond any thing they can imagine. That they can have a deep inner joy even in the midst of the most difficult of times. And we tell them that this new life is a free gift from God; that all they have to do is accept it.

I have something incredible to tell you. Jesus Christ is alive! I know he lived over 2,000 years ago and people just don't live that long. I know he was nailed to a cross and died. But he is alive and living here; now.

"What To Do With Easter"

John 20:1-18

Easter is wonderful! With all the flowers and such. The new clothes and the new growth in the world around us. I always enjoyed dressing my daughters up in their Easter dresses when they were little. How many of you bought Easter bonnets? And then there is the story of Easter. Oh yes, we don't want to forget the story!

OK, we did the Easter bonnets, he had the egg hunt yesterday and now we have told the story. Is that all? I guess we can all take our Easter lilies home and put the Easter stuff away until next year. Or is there still more? What do we do with Easter after Easter Sunday is over? Let me give you some suggestions:

What else should we do with Easter? #2 - We should live it! No, that doesn't mean you should wear your Easter bonnet every day. It means we should take the truth of that story and put it to work in our lives. This story is about more than one man 2,000 years ago coming back to life. It's about the new life that we have through Jesus Christ.

We should believe Easter. We should live Easter and #3 - we should Share it! No, I am not saying you should give your Easter lily to a friend. Although that is not a bad idea, but it is more than that. Easter is about new life. It is about joy and hope and the promise of Jesus living in us and giving us eternal life.

So what should we do with Easter? We should believe it! We should live it! We should share it!

"Early in the Morning"

John 20:1-18

The first thing that John tells us about Easter is that it was early in the morning. In fact it was just a little after 7 am. Isn't that what your translation says? And Mary Magdalene came to the tomb. Mary must have been a morning person. I'm a morning person. Do we have any other morning people here? I like to get most of my work done before noon. If I stay in bed till 7, I have slept in too long.

But it was morning and the morning is not dark for long. Soon the sun will rise. (That was a pun. Get it? The "son" will rise.) Anyway, as Mary sat there weeping she heard a voice. At first she thought it was the caretaker of the garden. But the truth dawned on her and she realized that it was Jesus. He was alive!

Don't leave here this morning in the dark. Don't go and tell your friends, "I have been to church, and we sang some pretty songs and saw the sun rise and heard the geese down by the lake." Well all that is true. And what Mary said was true too - his body was gone.

"An Old Wives Tale"

Luke 24:1-12

Who would have believed it? The women went to the tomb early in the morning as soon as the Sabbath was over. They brought spices with them. The purpose of the spices was to prepare Jesus' body for final burial. His death was too close to the Sabbath to allow them to do it on Friday. So they came to finish this gruesome task.

So the woman ran to tell the men about what had happened. They related the whole tale them. And the men jumped up and down with excitement over what had happened! They began singing "Christ the Lord has Risen Today" and gathering lilies to put on a cross! What you don't believe me!

Who would have believed it? It's not at all surprising to me that the male disciples did not believe. In fact as you read through the resurrection accounts in the gospels it appears that people has to have an encounter of some kind to come to belief. They had to either see Jesus or an angel to believe it. Even Mary and the other women were perplexed until they saw the angel.

Who would believe it! It should not surprise us when the world looks at us as if we are crazy. They will call us crazy and say that all this new life mumbo jumbo is just a bunch of idle talk. But that is what they said about the first people who proclaimed the resurrection.

"Finding the Living One Among the Dead"

Luke 24:1-12

When the women left for the tomb on that first Easter Sunday morning they knew what awaited them at the end of their journey. Or so they thought. They left the house that Easter morning to carry out the chore of embalming Jesus body. The Bible says that they carried with them spices, which they had prepared. These were the spices used to prepare the body for burial. At the end of their journey they expected to find a dead body.

While all that is important it is not the point of the story. The women came seeking death, but they found something different that morning. When they got to the tomb the stone was rolled away and the body was gone. Our reaction to that scene is "He is Alive!" But the women didn't reach that conclusion. Instead they were perplexed at what they saw.

The women accepted this Good News, but do you remember how the other disciples reacted to the news of Jesus' resurrection. They didn't believe it. They thought it was an idle tale. They said, "You know how emotional women can get, they probably saw a shadow, got scared and made up a story." Peter appears to have at least given the resurrection a second thought. He ran to the tomb, but after viewing it he went home wondering.

The women went to the tomb to view death and were surprised to find life. Why did you come here today? Did you come to hear about a man who lived a good life and died a noble death? Men like that don't live today perhaps you came because you thought you could learn something from such a man's life. Maybe you came because this is Easter and going to church is what you do on Easter. Maybe you came because someone made you come.

I don't know what you expected when you came here today. But you have heard the good news. In case you missed it let me repeat it: Jesus is alive. He rose from the dead. He is with us today. And Jesus has the power to transform your life into something glorious. He can take the sorrow and mundaneness of your life and give it new life. Jesus has the ability to raise you from the grave.

I advise you to accept it, and believe it. Jesus is risen from the dead and he wants to resurrect your life. Believe in the resurrection, not just as an historical incident but as a present living reality. If you will only believe, then that resurrection power will change your life. You will no longer be walking to the tombs, the place of the dead, as those women were.

"From 'Is He?' to 'He Is!'"

John 20:1-18

Every one of Jesus' followers had a different encounter with the resurrection. To understand Mary Magdalene's reaction we have to get one thing straight. Jesus was dead. D-E-A-D dead. Not asleep. Dead with a capital "D". You see, we all know that Jesus arose. On Easter Sunday we sing "Christ the Lord has risen today. But too often I think we forget where he arose from. We just skip over his death. Perhaps we sing "Up from the mumble he arose!, he arose!.." He rose from the dead. That was a very important fact.

It was the Jewish custom that the women prepare the body for burial. Jesus had died too close to the Sabbath so they had hurriedly wrapped him in cloths and laid him in a tomb. So Mary made her way to the tomb to finish the job. She didn't expect to find what she found. Someone had rolled the stone away. Not knowing what to do she ran to the other disciples.

Why did it take Mary so long to accept that Jesus had risen? Consider Mary's past. She had a lot to lose by believing that Jesus was alive. Mary had been possessed by demons in the past. She knew that the mind can play tricks on one. She remembered the times when the demons made her see things that weren't there. So she had learned to question things that did not seem realistic. Things like people rising from the dead. If she started telling people that Jesus was alive, they might think she was crazy. It was part of the public record that Jesus was dead. His death certificate was on file in the county court house. People would say that now that Jesus was gone the demons had taken over her mind again. They would say, "The dead don't rise, you're crazy woman."

I imagine all these thoughts, fears and doubts were running through Mary's mind after Peter and the other left. And in the midst of her doubt she went to look into the tomb again for herself. And sitting there were two angels clothed in white. And they said, "Woman why are you weeping." She probably thought her eyes were playing tricks on her again. After all you don't see angels every day. And only crazy people hear angels talk to them, right? She replied, "I am weeping because they have taken Jesus' body and I do not know where they have laid it." She said this in response to the angels' question. But it was probably also an attempt to assert the view of reality that she thought represented sanity. The view that Jesus had died and that his body had been stolen. He couldn't alive, could he?

You know Mary's journey from disbelief to belief is not that much different from what many people experience. There are many people who have trouble embracing the resurrection. In the world's perspective it is insane to believe in the resurrection. They say, "The dead don't rise." And, "Sane people don't talk to angels." If you try to tell them different they might say that you have lost touch with reality. The world says, "Look at what you have to lose." What if you decided to believe that Jesus did rise from the dead, and then you find out that it was all a pious hoax and that some one just stole his body. Won't you look foolish.

"Easter Means God Loves Them"

Acts 10:34-43

Sometimes Christians give God a bad name. The way the talk about and to non-Christians you would think that God doesn�t like them. But Peter makes it clear that the truth is just the opposite. He declares, "God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him."

But there is more to Easter than just a belief that a do gooder came back to life. Easter is really about God�s love. Peter is right; God shows no partiality. And through Jesus God reached out to the whole world. Jesus came not for the religious or the righteous. He came to die and rise to demonstrate God�s love to those who don�t know about it.

We are witnesses to that fact. God has commanded us to testify to the resurrection. That means more that just telling people the historical facts, as we believe them to be. We should tell people the basics that we believe that Jesus was dead and came back to life.

"Something Different"

John 20:1-19

Jesus was different. I guess that is what got him in so much trouble. He was different and that upset the status quo. His differentness threatened the religious elite.

The account of the resurrection is an example of this. Keep in mind that resurrections were nothing new. Jesus himself had resurrected several people. Lazarus who was raised after four days and Jairus' daughter who was raise are two examples. And there are a number of resurrections in the Old Testament performed by the prophets. Even in our day it is not rare to hear of someone who is clinically dead being brought back to life.

The resurrection of Jesus was something different. Maybe that is why it took the disciples a while to grasp it. Early on Easter morning Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found the stone rolled away. We all say, "He is Alive!" But that wasn't her response. She said, "They have stolen his dead body."

Easter: Its something different. Oh sure none of the things we do here this morning are unprecedented. Christians have gathered at sunrise for almost 2,000 years. Churches everywhere will have service where they sing hymns and decorate with flowers. People will be baptized and confirmed just as Christians have for millennia.

"What's Up With Easter?"

John 20:1-18

What's up with Easter? There seems to be some confusion about Easter. Just read the Biblical account. There was a lot of confusion on the first Easter. There are angels and earthquakes and women and men running this way and that. And no one, except the angels, seems to know what's going on. And even when the angels try to tell the people they still seem confused.

First of all Easter is not cute and cuddly. I know some things may make you think otherwise. Just go to the seasonal isle of any Wal-Mart or Target and you will see what I mean. You will be inundated with a plethora and fuzzy cuddly stuffed toy bunnies and duckys. Some people may take them as their primary symbol of Easter.

Easter is not cute and cuddly and Easter is not a spring celebration. I have to admit that the church has played a part in this confusion. I mean just look at us! We have 75 Easter lilies all over the front of the church and many of you brought wild flowers to place on the flowering cross at the entrance of the church. And the whole business of chicks and baby animals not to mention Easter eggs. It all makes one think that Easter is all about nature coming back to life in the spring

Easter is not cute and fuzzy, Easter is not a spring celebration, and Easter is not about one man's resurrection. Don't get me wrong! Jesus rose from the dead and Easter. I am not denying that! But Jesus is not the only person to rise form the dead! So did Lazarus, and Jarius' daughter, Tabitha, the widows' son � Jesus raised several people. Before him the Old Testament prophets raised people. After him the apostles raised people.

I imagine there may still be some confusion about Easter out there. That is understandable. After all if was confusing for the women and the other disciples. And Jesus had warned them that this all would happen. They even had Angels to help them grasp the meaning. I have to admit that angels are probably better at explaining these things than I am.