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5th Sunday after Easter
Year B
"Love, When the Spirit Says, 'Love'"
1 John 4:7-21
Acts 8:26-40
"The Jesus Connection"
John 15:1-11
"Love, When the Spirit Says, 'Love'"
1 John 4:7-21
Acts 8:26-40

The Man was an Ethiopian Eunuch! And the fact that Philip baptized him into the church was grounds for much discussion. Now, you or I would notice first that this man was black, but to Philip, or any other Jew of his day, the problem was that he was a eunuch. The Laws of Moses were clear about such people. He could not be a part of God's people. Yet this eunuch sought to worship God. He was a God fearing Gentile. In fact he was on his way back from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem where as he would have worshipped in the outermost part of the temple, the court of the Gentiles. He was also reading and studying the prophets.

One of the defining characteristics of a Christian is love. A true Christian accepts others as they are, because that is how we came to Christ. Each of us came to Christ with nothing. No wealth, no prestige, no beauty, no love. Because any earthly wealth, prestige, beauty or affection that we had was nothing next to Christ. In fact we came in a fallen state as sinners. But Christ accepted us and made us fellow heirs with him in God's kingdom. So Christians should accept others with the same kind of love God showed us.

There is a spiritual goes like this: "I'm gonna sing when the Spirit says sing." We ought to love when the Spirit says love. That's exactly what Philip did. When the Spirit said, "run up to that chariot and reach out to that Eunuch with God's love," Philip did it. He didn't worry about what people would think when they saw him running up to that chariot. And when the Ethiopian Eunuch asked to be baptized, Philip didn't worry about what the others in Jerusalem would say.

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"The Jesus Connection"

John 15:1-11

"It's not what you know, it's who you know." Have you ever heard that saying before? Sometimes it is used as a pessimistic remark about favoritism in high places. But when applied to spiritual matters it has a different sound. We could never know enough to pass any theology test devised by God. So all He requires is that we know his Son: Jesus. Getting into heaven is not about what you know but who you know. It's all about the Jesus Connection.

First let's consider God: the vine grower. The role of the vine grower is to care for the vine so that it is able to produce fruit. Jesus says that every branch that bears no fruit he removes. Such branches simply sap energy from the branches that are producing fruit so God removes them and throws them in the trash heap. There were a lot of fruitless branches on God's vine in Jesus' day. The Sadducees and the Pharisees were not serving God and they were among the ones that God would cut off.

That is God's role in caring for the vine, but what about the vine and its branches. Jesus said, "I am the true vine." The purpose of the vine is to carry water and nutrients to the branches. Without those nutrients the branches would die. They need what the vine supplies to live and to grow and to make fruit.

So living the Christian life is all about the Jesus Connection. Are you connected? Do you have an uplink to God? I'm serious! Without it we're dead. Jesus' cute little parable here says that without it we will be cut off.