Sermon for 5th Sunday After Epiphany
Year B
"Something Better Than a Sunday Nap"
Mark 1:29-39
"After the Healin'"
Mark 1:29-39
"Haven't You Heard?"
Isaiah 40:21-31
"After the Healin'"

Mark 1:29-39

Jesus went to Peter's house for dinner one Sabbath after services. But when they got there Peter's mother-in-law was sick and in bed with a fever. So Jesus took her by the hand and the fever left her. And as soon as she was up she started serving them fried chicken and mashed potatoes of green beans.

    Wait a minute. What is going on here? Here is a woman who has just been healed of some disease which had driven her to her bed. She had had some kind of infection and was probably having chills and Jesus had healed her with just his touch. What would I have done if that had happened to me? I would jump up and down and tell the world. But she served Sunday dinner!

      Have you ever known someone who was a good host or hostess? Someone who lived to entertain guests and provide for their needs? Such a person derives pride and a sense of accomplishment from caring for others. Add to this that this unnamed woman was probably the Queen of her domain. It may be true that in that day a woman's place was in the home, but that made her in charge of the household. Peter's wife would have been the "woman of the house" but this was her mother. In the world of that day Peter may have been the king, but his mother in law was the Queen mother.

        I imagine she took pride in entertaining the friends and associates of her son in law the successful business man. He did own a fishing business after all and salted fish from the Sea of Galilee was a delicacy in Rome. She took pride in being able to entertain and be an accomplished hostess. But she had a fever and was in bed unable to make her guests comfortable and take pride in their compliments at her cooking. That is until Jesus healed her.

          You see Jesus did not just heal her body. Jesus restored her to her place in that family and society. Jesus put her back on her throne. And in joy she gladly served.

But there is more going on here than just one woman being healed. That evening at sundown they brought people to Jesus for healing. It was the Sabbath. According to the Pharisees one could not heal on the Sabbath unless someone's life was in danger. If Jesus had healed Peter's mother-in-law publicly there would be controversy. But the Sabbath ended at sundown.

    So, at the first opportunity they had, people came to Jesus to be healed. People like Peter's mother-in-law who had been bedridden by illness were restored to health. People who were unable to walk or see or hear were made able again. People who were possessed by evil spirits were set free. Human beings were made whole and restored to their place in society.

      But how did they know to come? It says that "they brought people." Who is "they?" And how did they know? Perhaps "they" had heard about Peter's mother-in-law, or about the demon Jesus had cast out in the Synagogue that morning. Somehow they knew Jesus could heal and so they brought those in need to him.

We have all been there. Like Peter's mother-in-law we have been lowered by an illness of the body or soul or mind. We have all been "shackled by a heavy burden 'neath a load of guilt and shame." We have all been kept from doing the things that bring us joy. We have all been like Peter's mother-in-law.

    And then Jesus touched us. I know that I have been lifted up by Jesus touch. When things had gotten so low that I was about to lose hope, he reached down and took my hand. Then from his touch the fever of my troubles left me and I arose. Then I was able to return to my life and enjoy my place in my family and community and take joy in my labor.

      Has Jesus ever lifted you up? Have you ever been laid low by some trouble? Has Jesus touched you and raised you up and restored you to health and family and community. Has he? Say "A-men!" Say "Alleluia!" Say "Praise the Lord!"

Peter's mother-in-law was lifted up and she served. What will you do? Peter's mother-in-law served as she best knew how and was able to. Jesus had lifted her up and restored her to her place as the Queen of Peter's house. And so as Queen she hosted a banquet for Jesus and the disciples.

    What will you do? Mark gives us a hint at what we should do. "That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons." Do you know someone who is laid low by illness or sorrow? Do you know someone whose life has been possessed by some evil power of sin or addiction?

      Bring them to Jesus. Don't wait. Do it at the first possible opportunity. Bring them to Jesus.

        Think of what Jesus has done for you and what you have seen him do in the lives of others. How many people out there need that healing? How will they come to Jesus is no one brings them? Bring them to Jesus. He can touch them and lift them up and restore them to joy in life!

"Something Better Than a Sunday Nap"

Mark 1:29-39

After church on Sunday I like to take a nap. You know what I mean? Some of you might be ready for one now! I know I am not the only one that likes a nap after church on Sunday. It is supposed to be a day of rest. Conducting two service and Sunday school takes a lot out of a person. I need a little time to rest and recharge my batteries. So I like to come home from church, have Sunday dinner, and take a nap.

    In our story today Jesus is coming to Peter's house for Sabbath dinner. Jesus had just conducted services at the Synagogue. And it was quite a service. Jesus was explaining the Word of God and the Good News when a man came in possessed by demons. And Jesus silenced the demons and cast them out!

      So I am sure Jesus was ready for a good Sabbath afternoon nap! But as soon as he arrived at Simon Peter's house he was told that Peter's Mother in law was in bed with a fever. Peter's Mother in law was the grand matriarch of the family. The Rabbi was coming to her house for Sabbath Dinner. This should have been her chance to shine and show what a good host she was. But she was in bed with a fever. Jesus could have said, "I need a break" but instead he took her by the hand and healed her. That evening all the sick and possessed of the area came to Jesus and he was busy healing until late into the night.

        Now after a Sunday like that I would've slept in the next morning and maybe take the day off. And I guess the disciples did just that because when they awoke Jesus was gone. He had risen early in the morning to go find a secluded place to pray. When the disciples found him they told him they said, "Everyone is looking for you!" Jesus could've said, "Well, I am going to take a vacation." But instead he said, "Pack up. We're going to the next town." And there he continued to teach and heal!

We can learn a lot from this series of events. First of all we see that Jesus felt a need to pray! Stop and think about it. Jesus was God in the flesh. He and the Father were one. He had never sinned and so he had perfect communion with God.

    And yet Jesus felt a need to pray. Imagine that! The Son of God felt a need to pray. If he felt a need to pray, then how much more do we need to pray. Some people think that those who are close to God don't need to pray. If that were true then Jesus wouldn't have felt that need.

      If Jesus needed to pray then we need to whether we know it or not!

We also see that Jesus went out of his way to pray. It wasn't like he had no thing better to do, so he prayed. He could have been sleeping or healing people. But he sought out a place where he and his Father could have a private talk.

    We need to do the same thing. It is important for Christians to find a secluded place to pray. For modern people that is more a matter of putting aside time. Jesus rose before everyone else early in the morning to pray. John & Charles Wesley and the early Methodists used to do the same. They would get up at 4 am to pray each day.

      Take your calendar - your day timer - call up Outlook and schedule a meeting with God each day. It can be in the morning before your day begins, or in the middle of the day. Do Lunch with God! Or right before you go to bed. Better yet all of the above.

Another thing we see from this series of events is that prayer gave Jesus strength to carry on. I am sure he was exhausted from responding to the needs of all the people. Healing the sick, casting out demons, and teaching I am sure physically tired Jesus. But after his time of prayer he was ready to get going again. Through communion with the Father Jesus gained the strength he needed to move on and do the same thing in the next town, and the next town, and then the town after that. Even though he knew that at the end of it all Jerusalem and the cross awaited him.

    Sometimes I just don't know how I can carry on. This meeting and that Bible study and the list of people I really want to visit and family needs. I know that I can't do it all! I am not alone. I am sure many of your feel that way from time to time. None of us can do it alone.

      But my Heavenly Father has eternal stores of energy and guidance for me. If I will only turn to him he will give them to me as I need. As God said to Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you." (2 Corinthians 12:9) But that doesn't do us much good if we don't call upon that source of grace.

Jesus came to die for our sins. He came that we might accept him and through him receive forgiveness and eternal life. All a person has to do is accept the forgiveness God is offering by accepting Jesus as their Lord and savior. Jesus came to save us but he also to give us an example to follow.

    Jesus, the Son of God, prayed! He took time out of his eternally busy schedule to set aside time to talk to his Father. Jesus also gained strength from that time of prayer. After his early morning prayer time Jesus was energized and ready to go on with his mission.

      Do you want strength to life? Do you want the energy you need to go on with life. Do you ever feel drained by the demands of life? Then follow the example of Jesus. Make prayer a priority in your life!

        You look tired. Do you need a nap? I've got something that's better than a Sunday nap! Let us pray!

"Haven't You Heard?"

Isaiah 40:21-31

Have you ever had one of those days. You know, one of those days when nothing goes right. From beginning to ending everything seems to be against you. Every stoplight is red and every chore goes slowly. If you have arthritis or sinus and any other trouble, it always flares up on that day.

    Have you ever had one of those days? We all have. It is part of our human frailty. Even the best of Christians can have one of those days.

      But sometimes one of those days spills over into the next day. Soon you are having one of those weeks, or one of those months, or even one of those years. When that happens there seems to be no relief. You wonder if there is a light at the end of this long dark tunnel. And it is so easy to lose hope.

Israel had had one of those days. In fact they had had a lot of them. Not only had they had one of those days, or months, or years. They had had several of those generations. They had declined morally into depravity and idolatry. So God let them be conquered and taken off into captivity. There seemed no end to the long dark tunnel their nation was in. They were about to lose all hope.

    So God said to Isaiah in 40:1-2, "Comfort, O comfort my people says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem and cry to her that she has served her term, that her penalty is paid." So what did Isaiah say? He said, "What's the matter haven't you heard? Didn't they teach you anything in Sunday School. God is greater than anything in this world. God observes the earth from such a lofty perspective that we must look like grasshoppers. And God has the power to wipe people out just like a child who steps on a grasshopper, and God is also able to bless us beyond belief. No one is like God in power and might. So just trust in God. For those who wait on the Lord shall be strengthened and shall rise up with wings like an eagle's."

      Israel had heard this before. They knew that God was Creator and greater than all the powers that pushed them down. But God knew that they just needed a little reminding. I guess God's people need to be reminded of these basic truths from time to time. So let me refresh your memory this morning.

Haven't you heard? I'm sure you have. Didn't someone tell you that God is great! God is the one who created all that is! God's the one who ordered the stars and put them in their paths. God's the one who designed everything from atoms to galaxies and all the laws of nature that govern them. God's the one who authored life itself.

    And God observes the universe from an infinitely high perspective. God is enthroned beyond the stars and observes the galaxies. What's more God sees the plans and courses of all that is, from the smallest quark to the largest and most distant quasar. And God knows their place and purpose in this vast universe.

      And still God is great enough to take notice of us. And who are we that God should regard us. We are a small race of six billion carbon based organisms on the third planet orbiting a yellow dwarf we call the sun among millions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy among thousands or even millions of other galaxies. Yet God knows how many hairs are on each of our heads. We are just a speck in this vast universe, yet God knows each of us intimately.

        God IS great indeed!

Didn't anyone tell you in Sunday School? Didn't you understand that God is good? In greatness God made the world, but then in goodness he gave it to us to care for. And he gave us the abundance of its produce to live off of. God gave us the beauty of nature for us to enjoy.

    But we sinned against God's goodness and God was sorry we ever existed. Yet God forgave. And God was so good that he became one of us. God sent Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, to live among us. And Jesus healed the sick and fed the hungry and enlightened those in darkness. He didn't have to, but out of goodness he did.

      And if that wasn't enough there is more! Jesus could have just split. But he stuck around long enough to die for our sins. And he rose again to offer eternal life to any who would accept it. And when he did leave to take over running the universe, he sent God's Holy Spirit to be with us so we would not be alone.

        God is good indeed!

I know you have heard all this before. We have all heard of God's greatness. And we have all experienced God's goodness. We teach our children from the cradle that "God is great and God is good." We teach our children to sing, "Jesus loves me, this I know." And we all learned as children that "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world."

    But sometimes we lose sight of that reality. When we are having troubles we become short sighted. We lose sight of the fact that God is great and God is good. All we see is our troubles and problems. Like one in a pit we don't look up to see the sky so all we see is the walls of the pit we are in.

      So, next time you have one of those days just remember: God is great, and God is good. The Almighty is greater than your problems. Remind yourself of this truth and wait. Wait to see God's greatness and goodness revealed to you. And you shall rise above your trouble like an eagle rising from the earth. And you shall be renewed and shall run the race of life without growing weary.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen!