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Sermons for New Buildings

Sermon for Consecrating a New Sunday School Building
"Crossing the Jordan"
Joshua 3:14-4:7
Sermon for the Groundbreaking of a Church Building
"Building the Church"
1 Corinthians 3:10-17
Sermon for Consecrating a New Sunday School Building
"Crossing the Jordan"

Joshua 3:14-4:7

The Children of Israel had wandered in the deserts. Years before they had set out from Egypt toward the Promised Land. At times it seemed they would never get there. One obstacle after another got in their way. There was not enough water, not enough food, kings attacked them. But God was with them through it all feeding them providing water and protecting them.

We have spent years getting to this place. The journey started almost 8 years ago in October 2000 when an exploratory Committee was established to outline the need for new Sunday School facilities. The report of that committee recommended forming a Building Committee to plan for the construction of a Sunday School Building. For 7 years this group has worked to bring us to this day.

We now stand on the banks of the Jordan. But we have not yet entered the Promised Land. We still have to cross the Jordan. Like the children of Israel just arriving at the Promised Land is not enough. Sure we have gotten to the point where the have a wonderful new Sunday School Building. But we have to begin filling it with people and activities for knowing Jesus and making Him known to others.

How do we cross over? We have to step out in faith. When the children of Israel crossed over they have to step onto the water before God stopped the river to allow them to cross on dry land. They had to step out in faith.

Sermon for the Groundbreaking of a Church Building
"Building the Church"

1 Corinthians 3:10-17

When Mary was little she had her own way of labeling things. And ironically is often more precise than the names that we adults used. For instance she never talked about people being black or white. If she referred to their skin color it was pink or brown. And if you stop and look around we are all varying shades of pink and brown. In the same vein she had a unique label for churches. Often times we would be driving through the country side and from her car seat she would see a steeple with a cross on it. And she would point and say "Jesus' church." Did she just associate the words "Jesus" and "church" or did she know that at some level every church belongs to Jesus.

That's the way it is with Grace. We are building on the foundation laid by others. Back in 1984 a group of churches had a vision. They could see a new church on the northwest side of Columbia. With the help of the bishop and the conference Paul Wood was appointed to start this new church. And land was bought in a new development called Harbison for this new church.

Paul knew that others were building and would continue to build on the foundation he laid. So he urged the Corinthians to be careful what they built. The materials you use to build with are important. The quality and value of the materials will be revealed in the long run. In times of trial the insubstantial structures will be burned away. and the quality of the work will be reveled.

As you may have guessed I am not really talking about the Sunday School building we are breaking ground for today. I am talking about building the church. And the church after all is not a building. You are the church. I am the church. The church is the people. It is a community of faith.

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