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Sermons for a Pastor's first Sunday

House Rules
1 Timothy 3:14-16
"What Would You Do?"
Luke 15:11-32

House Rules

1 Timothy 3:14-16

"14. I write these things hoping to come to you quickly; 15. but if I delay, so that you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God." Who is Paul to tell Timothy how he should act? But Timothy and Paul had a special kind of relationship. Timothy was a young man appointed to pastor a church. A young man placed in charge of leading a group of people in being faithful to God. Does that situation sound familiar? Paul on the other hand was an old man with much experience. In many ways Paul was like a spiritual father to Timothy He even called Timothy his "beloved child." Paul was also the one who had ordained Timothy and sent him to the church he was pastoring. In a way Paul was like Timothy's bishop with a duty to direct him. So Paul wrote Timothy, this young pastor, a letter telling him how he should act in the Household of God.

One thing I have learned through being married to Melissa and as my own family has grown is that each family is different. My family is small and scattered all over the place. I have aunts and uncles and cousins from La Paz Mexico to New Jersey. As a result sometimes we don't see each other for years at a time and we only write once in a while. Melissa's family on the other hand is large and is concentrated in the piedmont area of South Carolina and north Georgia. They are always seeing each other. Before Mary was born, I was the last baby born in my immediate family. Melissa on the other hand is always having babies born in her family.

Paul wrote to Timothy to tell him what the house rules were for the "household of God, which is the congregation of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth." The Church is a household or a family with God as our father.(We have already discussed that.) But the church is different from all the other households of this world. How is it different? Paul said it is the congregation of the living God. It is the bulwark, the structure, of truth. This family is a living embodiment of the grace of the living God as expressed in the Gift and person of Jesus Christ.

Which brings us to a very important question. What are the house rules for the family of God? It would take too long for me to describe how a Christian should act in every situation. In Paul's two letters to his beloved son Timothy he only scratched the surface. But in our lesson today Paul reveals to us the principle which lies behind the proper conduct of the people of God in the Household of God. He writes: "16. Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of our religion: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory."

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, We, the church of Christ, are the family of God. And as the family of God we are different from the families of this world. We are the congregation of the living God the Bulwark of truth. Some things may be acceptable in those other houses, but proper conduct in the household of God is based on a different set of house rules.

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"What Would You Do?"

Luke 15:11-32

I became a Father at about the same time I became a preacher. Mary was born 3 months after I arrived at my first appointment as a preacher. As my experience of Fatherhood grew my understanding of the Fatherhood of God has grown too. Being a father can be such a joy! To watch our children learn and grow. To experience the world through their eyes. But being a Father can also be frustrating. Sometimes we tell our children to do one thing and they do another. We do it for their own good but they still disobey us.

So Jesus told them a story which, if he were telling it in our day, might have gone something like this:

What was that? Oh yes, what did the older son do? Did he go join the party? Well, I don't rightly know; Jesus never said. What would you do?