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Matthew 28:16-20

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." These words were spoken to Jesus' disciples. These disciples were not supermen. They were ordinary people like you and me. The Bible even says that they doubted. Even after seeing the resurrection they had their doubts. Just as you and I sometimes doubt even after experiencing new life in Christ.

How do we make disciples? First of all: Be a disciple. It sounds simple, but we often fail to do it. We are so focused on what we are doing or should be doing that we forget who we are. We are people loved by God. People redeemed and saved by Jesus. People strengthened and guided by the Holy Spirit. When each of us became a Christian we did so by giving our lives to Christ. So we are people given or committed to Christ.

First: Be a disciple. Second: Be part of the church. It's possible to be a Christian without participating in church. It is possible, but it is awful hard. God established the church as the primary instrument of God's grace in this world. Through the church we learn about God's will We experience God's love through the church's love. We bear one another's burdens in the church. Some people think that all you need is the Bible to be a Christian. But even understanding the Bible is hard without other Christians. They help us wrestle with those difficult passages. And sometimes they challenge us to live them out.

Be a disciple. Be part of the church, and third invite others to do the same. Ask them to join you in your walk. People are more likely to do something if you invite them to do it with you than if you simply tell them to do it. Ask them to join you in a Bible study or in prayer. Challenge them to follow Jesus. Invite them to church!

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