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Sermon 1st Sunday in Lent
Year C
"You Are There"
Luke 4:1-13
"How to Beat the Devil"
Romans 10:8-13
Luke 4:1-13
"Where Humanity Fails, Jesus Prevails!"
Luke 4:1-13
"You Are There"

Luke 4:1-13

"You Are There" - how many of you are old enough to remember that TV show? It ran in the 1950's. Walter Cronkite the famous evening news TV Anchorman was the host. They would present an historical event like the Boston Tea Party and Walter Cronkite would report on it as a reporter on the scene. He would interview Lewis and Clark and other historical figures and the history was being made. And the tag line was always "and you are there!"

Let's take the temptations one by one. The first temptation was to turn stones to bread. Now Jesus had been fasting for 40 days. I don't know about you but I haven't eaten in four hours and I am already hungry. I have fasted for 24 hours but I can't imagine doing that 40 times in a row! Yet Jesus did not let his physical weakness and hunger get the better of him.

What about the second temptation. The Devil showed Jesus all the glory of the Kingdoms of the world in an instant and said "I will give you all this if you will but worship me. Earthly glory has certainly led many astray. More than a few religious or political leaders have been led off the right course by the lure of earthly power. But of course Jesus already had power. What the Devil was offering was an easy way out. But it was an easy way that led to a lower end.

What about the third temptation. The Devil took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and said, "Jump, for it says that his angels will catch you lest you injure your little toe." Well, I could have resisted that temptation! But I have to admit I could have resisted it only because I lack the faith it would have taken to trust that his angels would have caught me. For Jesus the temptation was more than that.

You are there. You're there in the desert and the Devil is tempting you. Could you stand up to it like Jesus did quoting scripture and telling the Devil where to go. No, you couldn't. The Devil didn't need to meet us in the desert when we were at our weakest and offer us kingdoms and fame and comfort. When was the last time one of you was offered Emperorship of the world.

"How to Beat the Devil"
Romans 10:8-13
Luke 4:1-13

After Jesus had got baptize the Holy Spirit got holt of him, and it led him out into the wilderness for a showdown with the Devil. Jesus trained for 40 days by fasting and then when he was physically at his weakest the Devil showed up. "Tonight the Main Event: In this corner is Jesus the Son of God, infinite in wisdom, power and love having taken on human form and weighing considerably less than he did 40 days ago. And in this corner Satan the Prince of Darkness, fat with the appetites of the world."

The Devil lost that day in the wilderness. But you know the Devil is a poor loser. Instead of taking it gracefully the Devil decided to take out his defeat on Jesus' followers. Down through the ages Christians have suffered because of the Devil's bad sportsmanship. Through the Roman Empire, the Devil persecuted the church and tried to stamp it out. But in the end the Romans became Christians!

It must have been easy for Jesus. I mean he was the Son of God after all. He was infinite in wisdom, power, and love. He could see straight through he Devil's lies. He could quote the Word of God because he was the Word of God made flesh. He could see beyond the fleeting reality of this world to the eternal reality of God because he was God in the flesh.

How can we beat the Devil? Maybe we can take our cues from Jesus. Maybe we should memorize scripture so that we can quote it in the Devil's face like Jesus did. Maybe we should fast and pray so that we can discern the fleeting nature of the temporal and we can discern the eternal nature of God's will. Maybe we should deny and humble ourselves like Jesus did. Maybe then we can beat the Devil!

We can't beat the Devil on our own, but Jesus already did! We don't need to beat the Devil because Jesus has already done it for us. All we have to do is turn to Jesus. The Devil wants to take us on because he knows that if we face him alone we will lose. But if we have a champion to fight for us, Jesus the Son of God, he has lost already.

"Where Humanity Fails, Jesus Prevails!"

Luke 4:1-13

Jesus, the Son of God the descendant of Adam and Eve, was led by the Spirit into the desert. At his baptism the voice of his Father spoke from heaven. And in that moment Jesus was called into the ministry that he came into this world to fulfill. He would begin healing and teaching and raising the dead and casting out demons.

It was in the midst of this weakened state that the Devil came to Jesus. He was seeking to take advantage of Jesus� weakened state. His first temptation to Jesus was to turn stone into bread. Well, here was the Son of God and he was there at creation. He had created stone and all the ingredients of bread. Just a word or a wish and all the stones of the desert would become fresh baked loavs of home made rye and wheat and pumpernickel.

But the Devil didn't stop. He then showed Jesus all the Kingdoms of this world and said, "I have control of all the kingdoms of this world and I will give them to you if you will just bow down and worship me." But Jesus responded, "Worship the Lord your God and serve only him." This may have seemed a rather transparent ploy on the part of the Devil. After all he was dealing with the Son of God. Certainly Jesus would see right through this and he did.

But the Devil went on. He took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple. And said, "Throw yourself down for the Bible says that God's angles will catch you." This was a little more sophisticated. What would happen if Jesus did jump and all the religious leaders and people saw angels come down from heaven to catch Jesus? They would recognize him as the Messiah and declare that fact.

If there is one thing that the temptations teach us it is that Jesus prevails where humanity fails. Each of the temptations represents an area where we fail regularly but Jesus didn't. From the beginning we have been constantly giving in to worldly appetites. Throughout history we have succumb to the call to power and wealth. We are constantly looking for the easy way out instead of following the way of sacrifice that God calls for.