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Sermon for 3rd Sunday in Lent
Year C
"Dinner's Ready!"
Isaiah 55:1-9
"Fruits of Repentance"
Luke 13:1-9
"Dinner's Ready!"

Isaiah 55:1-9

"Time for Dinner!" I remember when I was growing up; all us kids would get together in the afternoons to play. We would play a game of baseball or football or release the peddlers. When dinner time came around one mother would lean out her front door and holler for her kids to come to dinner. And we all knew that soon our mothers would be calling us too. And one by one we would scatter to our houses to eat.

God is calling the people to a dinner of good food. But there is a flaw in this little analogy of God calling His children to dinner. When I was little each mother would call her own children to dinner. She would say "Scott, dinner's ready," or "Susan, come to dinner." God is making a general call.

This was something new and amazing. It didn't fit with the way that they thought. God had chosen them to be the people of God. So they thought that they were the only people of God.

God is calling "Dinner's ready!" He is calling us all to the table; a table that is prepared for all who would come. A table full of good things. God has been working hard to prepare for us spiritual foods that will fill the empty places in our heart and souls. The table is spread and the whole neighborhood is called to feast.

God calls all who are hungry. God is calling the whole neighborhood. Any who are hungry are called to dinner. Too often Christians think that God's call to dinner is just for church folk. I heard a church member say once that we should invite new residents to church because some of them might be Methodists. Sure they might be and some of them might not be Christian so we should invite them. Some may need to know that they have a Heavenly Father who loves them. They may believe but not be a part of a church family. They may need to experience the love of God in a community of faith.

"Fruits of Repentance"

Luke 13:1-9

"There were some present at that very time who told Jesus of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices." No one is sure of the details, but most Bible Commentators agree on the incident that these people referred to. The story goes that Pilate suspected a group of Galileans of planning a revolt. So while they were in the temple making their sacrifices to God, Pilate ordered them killed; on the spot. That is why the people said that their blood was mixed with the blood of the sacrifices, because their blood was spilled where the sacrifices were made. It was bad enough that Pilate killed them, but to have it done in God's holy temple was an affront to Almighty God.

Many people believe that all suffering is the result of some evil that the suffering person has done. Psychologists call it the "Just World Theory." It is a psychological defense mechanism that people use to make them feel secure. It is basically the belief that everything that happens is just and right, as it should be. This "Just World Theory" states that if someone is suffering it is because they deserve it.

Jesus saw through all of this much quicker than we could. So he got straight to the point. He said "Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way that they were worse sinners than all other Galileans?" Jesus could have condemned Pilate or the Galileans. Instead Jesus made people look at themselves. "Do you think you are better than these? Is that why they died and you didn't." "And what about the 18 people who died when that tower fell on them? Had they committed some awful sin? Or were they just regular people, like you, who were in the wrong place at the wrong time?"

Politics and issues change, but people don't. "And at that very time there were people present who said, 'Preacher, I heard that thousands of people die from AIDS every year.'" How should I respond? I can condemn homosexuals, fornicators and IV drug abusers; all those who practice lifestyles that put them at risk for AIDS. On the other hand I could condemn the sinful prejudices that labeled AIDS a "Gay Disease" and failed to address if before it was an epidemic.

The belief that all who suffer deserve to suffer is wrong and sinful. There is Divine justice; God will do away with the wicked and reward the righteous. But most of the time we don't see that in our lifetime. Reality itself shows us how false this way of thinking is. Sometimes righteous people suffer, and suffer incredibly. After all, Jesus was sinless, yet he suffered.