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Sermon for Sundays between Aug. 21 & 27
Year C
"Embracing the Unapproachable"
Hebrews 12:18-29
"You ARE Set Free!"
Luke 13:10-17

"Embracing the Unapproachable"

Hebrews 12:18-29

The ancient Israelites had seen a lot. By the time they arrived at Mt Sinai they had seen the plagues against Egypt. They had been led by a pillar of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night. They had seen the Red Sea parted and had walked across on dry ground. They had seen the mightiest army in the world destroyed as the waters closed in on them.

Paul makes the point that in Christ things have changed. God is no less holy but God can now be approached because God the Almighty came to us. Because of Jesus Christ it is not like the Israelites who stood frightened at the base of Mt. Sinai. It is like those who ascend Mt. Zion to worship in the temple. But we are not talking here about an earthly Jerusalem. We are talking about a heavenly Jerusalem.

Do you realize how profound this is? People have sought though the ages to know God. This desire has led to religions and Philosophies of all kinds. People made sacrifices and devoted themselves to try to approach God.

Praise God we can know God! We all know what it is like to have a breach in a relationship with someone significant in our lives. Imagine a person who has a falling out with their father. Through their own acts of betrayal and disrespect the relationship is injured seemingly beyond repair. The relationship deteriorates and for years they do not communicate.

Let's not squander the opportunity! The ancient Israelites at Mt. Sinai were given the Ten Commandments. They broke them before God had even finished writing them out. Paul says, "They did not escape" the consequences of their disobedience. How much more for us who have been addressed directly by the God of Heaven and Earth? We have received something greater than a list of rules; we have been given the Holy Spirit itself!

"You ARE Set Free!"

Luke 13:10-17

Imagine if you will a man in prison. He is shackled by the wrists and ankles. He is in a small prison cell with just a cot and toilet. The chains limit his mobility in the cell and the cell door is closed tight. Only a little light streams in through a small window high up.

Our reading from Luke this morning is all about being set free. A woman came to Jesus. She was imprisoned by a crippled body. For eighteen years she had not been able to straighten up. Perhaps she had advanced osteoporosis or severe arthritis; maybe she had an injury or some kind of paralysis. All we do know is that for eighteen years she was imprisoned by this ailment.

Jesus' response to the religious leaders is the heart of this story. First Jesus calls the religious leaders hypocrites. A hypocrite is one who says one thing and does another. The word used in the Bible that is translated "hypocrite" could also be translated "pretender." This is one who pretends to be one way but is actually another. The religious leaders pretended to honor God but they were really just serving the law.

I think that a lot of Christians have trouble believing that Jesus still sets people free like he set that woman free. Most Christians would say that they believe that Jesus healed a woman almost 2,000 years ago. But many of those same people have trouble believing that he still does that today. Perhaps part of it is a healthy skepticism we have about faith healers. We have all heard of or even seen so called faith healers that are really pretenders. They are just actors, hypocrites, who pretend to be healers and take advantage of people in pain and misery. I am not talking about faith healers. I am talking about being set free by Christ through faith. It is healthy to be skeptical of modern day wonder workers, but that is no reason to doubt the power of the Son of God to work wonders.

Jesus told the woman, "You ARE set free!" And I am here today to tell you, "You ARE set free!" The work has already been done to set you free. The fine has already been paid to get you out of prison. Jesus Christ paid the price at Calvary and you are set free. What kind of prison are you in? Is it a prison of sin and shame? Is it a prison of heartache and emotional pain? Is it a prison of physical limitations? You might say, "Well when we all get to heaven we will be free?" I believe that whole heatedly. When we all get to heaven we will be freed from all that shackles and imprisons the human body, mind and soul. But I'm talking about here and now. I'm saying that as Christians the power to set us free is already here by the presence of Christ in our hearts.

You ARE set free! Because you have asked Jesus into your life the power to set you free is with Christ in your heart. Jesus promised to be with us until the end of the age. Jesus is here today just as he was in that synagogue back in the first century. And Jesus has already paid the price to set us free.