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Sermon for Sundays between Sept. 11 & 17
Year C
"Amazing Grace"
"The Math of Grace"
Luke 15:1-10
"A Definition of Grace"
1 Timothy 1:12-17
"Is God Fair?"
1 Timothy 1:12-17
Luke 15:1-10
"The Math of Grace"

Luke 15:1-10

I was reading the history of Grace in preparation for next Sunday and I came across an interesting fact. When the congregation was choosing a name for this church "Church of the Good Shepherd" was one of the finalists. Of course the name Grace was eventually chosen but the fact that "Church of the Good Shepherd" was in the running is significant. Now back when Jesus was teaching and preaching some of the people who came to hear him were not the kind you would find in church on Sunday morning. There were all kinds of sinners coming to hear Jesus and the Pharisees and scribes, the good church folk, were complaining. "He is wasting his time with these people when he should be blessing those of us who have been supporting this church all these years."

Jesus said, "What shepherd having 100 sheep and discovering that one is missing does not leave the 99 to find the one that is lost." Good question. What shepherd in their right mind would leave 99 sheep out in the wilderness all by themselves where the wolves could get them to find one lost sheep? I mean that sheep wandered off on its own. If it gets in trouble, it's getting what it deserved for not staying near the shepherd. Let it come back on its own.

Then without taking a breath Jesus goes on "What woman having 10 coins and having lost one does not search it out." Now this makes sense. Given that the other 9 are in a safe place it makes sense to sweep the whole house to find the lost one. So she seeks for it and finds it.

This is the math of Grace. Jesus ends both of these parables by saying, "Just so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." The sheep is not really a sheep; it's a lost soul. The coin is not really a coin. It represents a person who is lost

So - Grace seriously considered naming itself "Church of the Good Shepherd." There is another church you might have heard of. It's the "Church of Little Bo Peep." You know Little Bo Peep. "Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them. Leave them alone and they'll come home dragging their tails behind them."

"A Definition of Grace"

1 Timothy 1:12-17

"Amazing Grace," shall always be my song of praise For it was grace that brought me liberty I do not know just why He came to love me so He looked beyond my fault and saw my need. I shall forever lift mine eyes to Calvary. To view the cross where Jesus died for me; How marvelous the grace that caught my falling soul, He looked beyond my fault and saw my need.

What is Grace? We talk about it. We sing about it. We say it's amazing! We even name our churches and our children for it. In 2003 & 2004 it was the 13th most popular name for baby girls. Grace is one of the most popular names for Methodist Churches. But what is it?

Paul is a living example of Grace. Paul the Great Apostle to the Gentiles, the writer of half the New Testament, was not always the servant of Jesus he became. The first time we meet Paul in the Bible he is participating in the stoning of Stephen. Stephen's crime was that he declared that Jesus was the Messiah. He was the first Christian martyr. Later Paul gets indictments to imprison any believers in Jesus that he can find.

When I was a teenager we had an old car. It was a 1970 falcon. My sister and I shared it. My Jr. Year of High School I would drive it to school and back. One day I was driving home from band practice and I was giving a friend a ride home. It was drizzling a little I was going a little "too fast for conditions" and I lost control of the car and ended up hitting a telephone pole.

That's what grace is like. God gave us this life. But we go and wreck it. God could have said, "I give you life and you go and use it to do selfish things. You go and wreck it! Well I am just going to take it back. You don't deserve to have a life anymore."

John Newton is a living example of grace. John Newton was the captain of a slave ship. A lot of people are not aware of the horrors of the slave trade. The crossing from Africa was perhaps the most deadly part of the slave trade. The newly enslaved Africans were treated like cargo. They were packed in as closely as possible. Many died and their bodies were unceremoniously thrown overboard. The shipping company considered them acceptable losses. When John Newton realized his sin, he saw himself as he really was. He was a man with the blood of thousands on his hands. And he lived in an age when many had these same blood stains on their hands.

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see.

"Is God Fair?"
1 Timothy 1:12-17
Luke 15:1-10

Is God Fair? Think about it. Life isn't fair. The events of this past week prove that. When so many innocent people and even people who were risking their lives for other die; that's not fair! The people who masterminded this kind of crime should die while the brave firefighters and police officers. If life isn't fair and God is the author of life, then is God Fair? I say, "No, God is not fair."

God is not fair and God's Son Jesus is not fair. Jesus got into a lot of trouble for not being fair. The religious people, the ones who had tried to follow all the rules got mad at Jesus. He was spending all his time and working miracles and wonders with sinners. The church people cried, "That's not fair! We've done the right thing all our lives. We've gone to church and paid our dues. We have tried to do right and what does this prophet do? He goes and hangs around with prostitutes and publicans, thieves and sinners. He heals them and what about us!"

God was not fair to Paul. Paul himself writes to Timothy that he had been a blasphemer. You all know the story, but let me remind you. Paul had been a Pharisee. And as a young man he had persecuted the Christians. He had been there and watched over the first martyr Stephen as he was stoned to death and the Bible says he approved of the killing.

God was not fair to John Newton either. John Newton was a slave ship captain. He personally supervised the shipping of thousands maybe tens of thousands of Africans in chains. Death was a common part of the passage from Africa to North America. Slaves were packed in so tight that many died. These deaths were written off as acceptable losses in a trading venture.

Once an infidel and libertine
A servant of slaves in Africa,
Was, by the rich mercy of our Lord and Saviour
restored, pardoned, and appointed to preach
the Gospel which he had long laboured to destroy.

God is not fair. I praise God for not being fair. If God were fair we would all be in trouble. But God is not fair because God is merciful. God is not fair because God graciously shows favor to all who put their faith in Christ.