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Sermon for Sundays between Sept. 18 & 24
Year C
"I Can't Sleep!"

Psalm 4

"I can't sleep!" Insomnia is a most hideous condition. Sleep is necessary to live. Without it the body eventually breaks down. It is also important to our mental and emotional well-being. While we sleep we dream and those dreams are often our mind's way of working out the conflicts and problems of the day.

So why all this talk of sleep and rest. You may be wondering if I have been suffering from insomnia. Well the author of Psalm 4 seems to have been worried and having trouble sleeping. He begins with a desperate plea to God, "Answer me when I call, O God of my right." And after praying through his troubles he concludes, "In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety."

So, you may wonder, am I having trouble sleeping? Not literally, but in the sense of finding peace I would have to say yes. Like the psalmist it worries me that people believe the lies that world tells them. I am concerned that because they have not accepted Jesus, that they will not find eternal rest in God. It worries me that people are dying, literally dying, around us because they don't know the love of God. And sometimes these worries weigh heavily upon me and I pray as I try to find some rest. Sometimes like the psalmist I lie awake bearing my soul to God.

I believe there are two important lessons to learn from this psalmist. First of all, there would be a problem if we were not disturbed. It is good that the world around us makes us uneasy. It's good that we can see the evil and feel the pain of our neighbor. It's good that our peace is disturbed by the lost-ness and the darkness of this world. It's good that we wrestle with how to bring about justice and don't just go off half-cocked.

The second lesson I learn from the psalmist is this: Only God can give true peace and rest. He prayed, "For you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety." God is the one who gives us the sensitivity to be disturbed by our world. God is also the one who can give us peace and rest.