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Sermons for 1st Sunday after Pentecost
Trinity Sunday
Year C
"Going to School with God"
John 16:12-15
Proverbs 8:1-4; 22-31
Romans 5:1-5
John 16:12-15
"God is Great"
Psalm 8
Proverbs 8:22-31
Romans 5:1-5

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"Going to School with God"

John 16:12-15

Jesus traveled around the Holy Land teaching is disciple for 3 ½ years. I think it might have been closer to 4 years. During these years the disciples had been taught about following God. Jesus told them that the Kingdom of God was like a man who had two sons, like a Good Samaritan, like a mustard seed and so on.

First, never stop learning. I know you have finished your degree and you think "What! I couldn't possibly learn another thing!" But there are many things that they can't teach you in school. I have a Bachelor's in religion and Masters in Divinity and a Masters in Theology. The last degree was earned in 1990. I started the first grade in 1970. So this year represents the point at which I have been out of school for as long as I was in it.

Never stop learning but realize there are some things you will never learn. You see we all need to enroll in continuing education seminars on Divine Calculus 333. Today is Trinity Sunday. We celebrate the Christian belief that there is one God revealed in three persons. We have a lot of clever ways to symbolize this: a triangle, water which is a solid, a liquid and a gas, the shamrock which has three leaves in one plant. But basically we are saying that 1+1+1=1

Never stop learning, embrace the mysteries of life, and expect the Spirit to teach you from the most unexpected places. The story goes that a great preacher and theologian was out fishing one day for recreation when he came upon an island that was not on the maps. He discovered that there were three fishermen living on the island in total isolation from the rest of the world. He asked them if they were Christians and they said yes, but as her spoke to them he discovered that they did not know the Lord's Prayer. He said if you don't know the Lord's Prayer how do you pray. They said we look to God in heaven and say, "We are three. We are three. Have mercy on us." Appalled at this he taught them the Lord's Prayer.

So you have graduated. Well welcome to school. Whether you are going on to further your education or going to work, you are now enrolled in the school of life. You will encounter things and experiences you could not have imagined.


Proverbs 8:1-4; 22-31
Romans 5:1-5
John 16:12-15

Power! It's what makes the world go round. Eons ago, scientists say, there was a huge explosion; a Big bang. And the energy or power that it created hurled the stars and planets into place. Some of that energy is electromagnetic and that is the light and radiation in the universe. Some of it is kinetic; that is the motion of the planets and stars. And some of it is in stable units, that is the matter. And all of it was set in motion by that original Big Bang.

But the Bible gives us another perspective on power. "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"(Ps. 8:1) The Moon and the stars are the work of God's fingers. God is the one who hurled the galaxies in their places. And God created this universe not through random events but through wisdom, the first of God's creations.(Pro. 8:22) This is not a refutation of the Big Bang theory; it is a clarification. If there was a Big Bang, God was the one who made the bang; and made it big.

Years ago there was a movie out called "Conan the Barbarian." If you missed it you didn't miss much, but the story it told reveals something about our world. As the movie begins the main character Conan witnesses his family being killed by a man who is on a quest for steel. This killer is seeking powerful blades of steel so that he can gain power. And so he goes about killing and stealing to find that power.

But God tells a different story of power. It is not about a son who seeks revenge for his parents' death. Instead it is about a Heavenly Father who is deeply hurt by the sins of the children He created. Instead of seeking revenge, this Heavenly Father sends His only begotten Son. The children mistreat this Son. They beat him and even kill him. But the Son willingly dies for sins of the world. The Son could have called on the power that made the stars to rescue him and destroy the world, but he chose to die for me.

Power! God: Father Son and Holy Spirit is the only source and means of true power. But the world can't see that. They vainly run after worldly power. They mistreat, oppress, and hate their neighbors trying to get control. They rebelliously disregard God's law so they can steal what the covet from their neighbor.

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"God is Great"

Psalm 8
Proverbs 8:22-31
Romans 5:1-5

"God is great!" Everybody knows it. Probably a thousand years before Christ a psalmist put it into words. "O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is thy name in all the earth."(Psalm 8:1) Just look at creation. The moon and stars that God has created. Their very existence proclaims the greatness of God. God is great enough to love even lowly creatures like us humans.

We as Christians have been privileged to know the greatness of God in way that other people could only dream of. When Christ came, he was the living embodiment of the truth of God. Jesus, the Son of God, is God in the flesh. He himself said, "The father and I are one." And he said "I am the way the truth and the life." Through Jesus' life and teachings, God revealed Godself to humanity in a fullness that none has ever known before. Abraham had spoken to God, the Hebrews had eaten manna from heaven, and tried to obey God's laws, and the prophets had spoken God's word, but none of them knew God in the fullness that God was and is revealed in Christ. And through the Holy Spirit that presence is made real for us now.

The doctrine of the Trinity is beautiful, but for some it creates problems. Many find it inconceivable. It basically says that 3 = 1; the three persons of the Godhead equal one God. The philosophers and logical people of the world say, "You Christians can't have it both ways, either you believe in one God or in three god's." Both Jews and Moslems accuse us of compromising the unity of God by saying God has three persons.

God is great and we all know it - or do we? We say we know that God is great, but I don't see people acting like it. If we truly knew that God is great we would always turn to God. We would seek God's guidance. We would follow God's laws. But people don't. Instead they try to rely on themselves. They depend of only what they can control. We often depend on our own limited abilities.

Listen again to the words of Paul to the Romans: