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Sermon for Sundays between Nov. 6 & 12
Year C
"What's Next?"
Luke 20:27-38
"Put Your Life Where Your Prayers Are!"
Luke 20:27-38
Zechariah 7:1-10
"What's Next?"

Luke 20:27-38

What's next? The story goes that there was this young pastor who was concerned about one of his church members. He didn't know if the man was really saved. For reasons we won't get into just now he was unsure of the man's faith. So he decided he needed to find a way to ask the man if he really believed in Jesus. But he wasn't quite sure how to broach the question. Finally he went to he man's house and after they sat and talked about nothing in particular he leaned forward in a serious way and asked, "Sir, do you believe in the hereafter?"

There is always a lot of curiosity about what's next; about the afterlife. When people want to ask a preacher a religious question a lot of time it has to do with the after life and how to get there. And like any hot topic people have their opinions. It was no different in Jesus' Day. Among the religious people back then there were two schools of thought about the after life. One was that there was no after life; that when this life was over that was it. This was the point of view of the fundamentalists of Jesus day who were called the Sadducees. Moses didn't say anything about an after life in the first five books of the Bible so they didn't believe in it; that's why they were so "sad-u-see."

Well Jesus shuts them up by quoting Moses, who was quoting God, saying that, to God, Abraham and Isaac and Jacob were still alive even after their physical deaths. But what I want to focus on is what Jesus says about the after life. What can we learn about what's next from this passage. You know the afterlife is still a hot topic today. And just as in Jesus' day, there are still differences of opinion about what's next.

But what can we tell about what's next from Jesus comment on the resurrection? One thing that Jesus says is that we will be like the angels. I guess this is why people imagine that we will all have wings in heaven. Whether we have wings or not is not what Jesus is getting at. He is saying that things will be entirely different in the next world. In heaven our relationship will be of a completely different order. We will be beyond what we know in this world.

So what can we say about what's next? One thing we can say for sure is that there is a life after this one. That is without doubt in the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. But what is the nature and character of what's next? That is a little more iffy. Some Christians, based on the Bible believe that when we die we sleep awaiting the resurrection and judgment. Others believe that when we die we go at least in spirit to be with Jesus, and they have scriptures to back up their opinion too.

"Put Your Life Where Your Prayers Are!"
Luke 20:27-38
Zechariah 7:1-10

Put Your Life Where Your Prayers Are! "Practice what you preach." "Put your money where your mouth is." All these expressions emphasize the importance of putting actions behind our words. They are different ways of saying, "Show me you really believe what you say." We all know someone who "Talks a good game." They say a lot and make a lot of claims. But we wonder if they can live up to those claims. We have all seen the athlete that goes on and on for the reporters about how he or she will utterly defeat their opponent. And after a while I just want to say, "Put up or Shut up."

God's people have always talked a good game, but they did not always deliver. The prophets promised salvation and peace. They preached to dry bones, and they came to life. They prophesied destruction, and kingdoms fell. God's prophets not only talked a good game, they delivered the goods. But there has always been a portion of God's people, usually the majority, who spoke empty words and meaningless promises that they didn't believe.

What was God's response to their empty words? To the people Bethel the Word of the Lord came through Zechariah. "You don't fast for me, you fast to make yourselves look good. You and your ancestors say they reverence me, but they desecrate my commandments. Don't worry about fasts. Instead seek justice and mercy. Care for the powerless and love your neighbors."

And God's people today come to God. And we pay tribute and lift up prayers and we sing songs. We sing of God's amazing grace that saved a wretch like me, but then we find it hard to forgive a brother or sister who has fallen. Or perhaps we claim the truth of God's love as revealed in the Bible, but then we fail to speak against the sins and injustices of the world around us.

In the mean time the world is still watching us. Those who do not yet believe are listening to our words. They hear a lot of words. They hear us speak of new life in Christ. They hear us speak of the power of the living God. They hear us speak of divine justice and mercy and love.