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Sermon for Sundays between Nov. 13 & 19
Year C
"2012 and Other Impending Disasters"
Isaiah 65:17-25
Luke 21:5-19
"The End!"
Isaiah 65:17-25
Luke 21:5-19
"Y2K and Other Impending Disasters"
Isaiah 65:17-25
Luke 21:5-19

"2012 and Other Impending Disasters"
Isaiah 65:17-25
Luke 21:5-19

2012 - It's only 2 years away! I am sure you have heard about it. They even made a movie about it. Some Mayan calendar ends with our year 2012. And so people think that maybe something will happen. But no one seems to know exactly what will happen. It could be anything or it could be like Y2K and nothing.

But we Christians have the biggest disaster. The Mother of all disasters. The disaster the end all disasters. It is nothing less than the end of the world. It is the Day of Judgment. God the Creator will come and judge the earth.

But we Christians have a unique perspective on this impending disaster. We don't try to explain it away. We know that it is coming. And our scriptures are brutally honest about its destructive force. Just read about it in Revelation. Jesus our Lord even told us about it. He said that not one stone would be standing when it was over. He told us that there would be earthquakes and wars and fire and blood.

Say, that puts 2012 and all those other little disasters in perspective doesn't it? No matter what happens we know that God will have the last word. The earth can be polluted and the asteroids rain down and we know that ultimately God is in control. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to clean up the environment, track asteroids and prevent pandemics. But it does mean that we don't have to live in fear. We know the end is coming, but we also know that in God's hands the end is a new beginning.

"The End!"
Malachi 4:1-6
Luke 21:5-19

The end is coming! The end is coming! People do some crazy things with the Biblical idea that God will end the world and all its wickedness. If you have been watching the media you have seen what I mean. A while back they reported about a church in Korea. This church believed that the end would come in the morning on October 28th that year. People quit there jobs and sold all their belongings. They gathered at the church to await the end. Of course October 28th came and went and nothing happened. No rapture, no final judgment. The next day the church leadership apologized if they had caused any problems. Before that some guy wrote a book "88 reasons why the world will end in 1988." Well 1988 came and went and the world is still here.

The doctrine of the end can be traced back to the Old Testament Prophets. They called it "The Day of the Lord." The Old Testament presents history as having two ages. There is the present age with all its evil and death. And there is the coming age in which God's will is realized. That is what we pray for when we say "Thy kingdom come they will be done on Earth as it is in heaven." The transition between these two ages is "the Day of the Lord." It is the day when God or God's Messiah would come to fulfill all righteousness. It would be a day when the world would be literally turned upside down and inside out.

In the final days before his crucifixion Jesus spoke to his disciples about the end times. These teachings took place shortly before the Last Supper. Jesus was about to die and he wanted to prepare his disciples for his death. At the same time he wanted to prepare them and us for the day of the Lord. As we have already said he warned them about being led astray. Against following those who claimed to be him. Christ's return will be as unexpected as a thief in the night.

So, what do we make of this "End Time," "The Day of the Lord," "Judgment Day?" For Christians "The End" is ultimately a source of hope. For Christians "The End" of this world is the beginning of a better world. In the end of this age when Christ returns, he will institute a new age. In this new age all the things that God's faithful people have been praying for throughout the ages will come to pass. God will completely heal the damage done to the cosmos by the sin of humanity. The light of God will shine in the darkness of human lives and all will see God face to face.

"Y2K and Other Impending Disasters"
Isaiah 65:17-25
Luke 21:5-19

"Y2K" It is computer lingo for �year 2000� The �Y� stands for year and �K� is computerese for thousand so �Y2K.� It also refers to a glitch built into many computer programs also known as the millennium bug. Do you remember when your checks used to have the 19 already printed in for year on the date? The will stop doing that soon because checks that they print now may be around in another 14 months when the 19 will be outdated. But when computer programs were first being written people were still printing the 19 on their checks so the write their programs with the 19 already in place. In other words some computers cannot go beyond the year 1999. On midnight of 1999 the will flip over to 1900. The problem with this is that is won�t compute and computers all over will be shutting down. If you don�t own a computer you might say �So what.� But the water treatment plant, and the power company, and the communications system and the banking system, and food distribution are all run by computers. What will happen if only a few of these systems shuts down. No water or power or money or food or communications. It could be a disaster.

But we Christians have the biggest disaster. The Mother of all disasters. The disaster the end all disasters. It is nothing less than the end of the world. It is the day of Judgment. God the creator will come and judge the earth.

But we Christians have a unique perspective on this impending disaster. We don�t try to explain it away. We know that it is coming. And our scriptures are brutally honest about its destructive force. Just read about it in Revelation. Jesus our Lord even told us about it. He said that not one stone would be standing when it was over. He told us that there would be earthquakes and wars and fire and blood.

Say, that puts Y2K and all those other little disasters in perspective doesn�t it? No matter what happens we know that God will have the last word. The computers can crash the earth be polluted and the asteroids rain down and we know that ultimately God is in control. That doesn�t mean we shouldn�t try to clean up the environment, track asteroids and reprogram our computers. But it does mean that we don�t have to live in fear. We know the end is coming, but we also know that in God�s hands the end is a new beginning.