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Sermon for Sundays between June 19 & 25
Year C
"Thirsting for God"
Psalm 42
"Calming the Storms"
Luke 8:22-39
"Running From Reality"
1 Kings 19:9-14
"What�s In A Name"
Luke 8:26-39
"Thirsting for God"

Psalm 42

Water is essential for life. A person can go for long period of time without food, but for a relatively short period without water As living beings we are mostly water. When scientists consider the possibility of life on other planets, they often see water are the necessary compound. Water is necessary for life - as we know it.

You thirst for God! That is the fact. We as human beings all experience that thirst to know God and to have God living in us. God made us that way. It has been said that each of us has a God shaped hole in our hearts and only God can fill that hole and make us whole and complete. The deer does not pant for water because someone said "Oh, you should be thirsty." The deer pants for water because it is thirsty.

Your job will not satisfy your thirst. One of the things that brings men fulfillment is our jobs. And that is not necessarily a bad thing. If you find fulfillment in your job I am not suggesting that you give up your job and go find an unsatisfying one. I know I find fulfillment in my job. I get to go to church every day and get paid for it! I get the help people and teach people about God! If you find fulfillment in your job that is probably a sign that you have found your calling.

Hobbies will not satisfy your thirst. Hobbies and activities can be good. They can be creative outlets and can be productive. Activities can be meaningful and satisfying. I know following Duke Basketball has been tremendously satisfying for me. Sometimes following Carolina foot ball has not been satisfying.

Church cannot satisfy your thirst. "Wait a minute. Did the preacher just say that church cannot satisfy your thirst?" Yes, I said that. Church can be the place where your relationship with God is nurtured and grown. So coming to church can be a vehicle of receiving the spiritual water we thirst for.

Only God can satisfy your deepest longings. Only God can quench your spiritual thirst. Only God give your life ultimate meaning. Other things may be meaningful, but they will not bring ultimate fulfillment. But God can fulfill you.

"Calming the Storms"

Luke 8:22-39

Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it. We've all experienced a summer thunderstorm. They can come up suddenly and without warning. One minuet the sun is shining and the weather is clear and then all of a sudden a strong wind comes up. Then you hear the thunder in the distance and see the lightning. Before you know it the bottom falls out and the sky becomes dark.

The reason I am talking about storms is that there are at least four storms in this passage today. The first one is obvious. Like any body of water the Sea of Galilee, which was really just a lake, intensified the summer storm phenomenon. The water was there to be absorbed by the hot air and then fall out of the air when it cooled off. So the fishermen among the disciples were used to sudden and sometimes fierce storms.

The second storm is not as obvious but it is there none the less. And it all has to do with where they were. The Sea of Galilee was the border between the Jewish region of Galilee and the gentile Region of the Gerasenes. The passage starts off with Jesus saying "let's go over to the other side. This is when this second storm started.

The third storm was the psychological storm that met them on the other side. If the disciples were not afraid before, then they must have been when the boat landed. Not only was there a herd of pigs, a sure sign that they were not among Jews anymore, but a demon possessed homeless man met them and fell at Jesus' feet. Psychologists would say that this man was suffering from some kind of schizophrenic psychosis. This psychosis caused him to live naked in the cemetery.

This brings us to the fourth storm. The first was a physical storm. The second was an emotional storm. The third was a physiological storm. This one was a social storm. The people of that region who had tried to control the demon possessed man with ropes and chains saw what had happened. The swine herders had run to the village and told the people. They came and saw the man clothed and in his right mind.

Jesus calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee and he calmed the spiritual storm of the demon possessed man. And he has the power to calm the storms in our lives. Those storms take many forms. Some are personal and emotional. Some are storms of mental illness or addiction. Some are interpersonal and have to do with relationships.

"What�s In A Name"

Luke 8:26-39

What�s in a name? Apparently not much, because the Bible doesn�t even tell us what the man�s name was. I�m sure the Gerasenes has some names for him. Like "that Waco who lives in the grave yard," or "that guy who is a few figs short of a bushel,� or "the one whose sail doesn�t go all the way up his mast."

What�s in a name? Well, apparently quite a bit because Jesus asks for a name. Instead of calling this poor man names like the Gerasenes, Jews and us, Jesus cuts to the chase. He asks the demon, "What is your name?" In fact if you have a red letter edition you will notice that this is the only thing Jesus says in this passage except for "Go home and tell what God has done" at the end.

What�s in a name? Obviously everything! Once Jesus has the name he has the power to command the demons to leave. In an ironic act of mercy he allows the demons to enter a herd of pigs. The demons seem to like the arrangement even if the pigs didn�t. And after all, having an extra thousand or more demons wandering around the countryside was not good for the local population.

What�s in a name? A lot, if you name the right thing. Everyone was spending a lot of time calling the man in this story names. Yet they didn�t bother trying to name his problem. Instead of labeling this poor guy they should have asked what his problem was. Jesus was able to see past the labels and name the real problem then deal with it and help the man.

What�s in a name? When dealing with demons it�s everything. Those who have dealt with demons of alcoholism and other addictions will tell you that admitting and naming the problem is half the solution. Naming the demon is the first step in casting it out. Too often we cannot name our own demons.

What�s in a name? The world if the name is "Jesus." In the name of Jesus there is healing and hope. He can calm the storm. He can forgive our sins. He can save our souls.

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"Running From Reality"

1 Kings 19:9-14

Elijah was running from the reality of his life. He was scared. Have you ever been scared, for your life?

Everyone who runs from something also runs to something; Elijah was no different. He was running to a cave in the wilderness on Mt. Horeb. He was seeking safety there. The wilderness is where God had protected the people of Israel in the past. In the wilderness God had cared for Israel and gave them food and water. And on Mt. Horeb God had spoken to the people of Israel and given them the law.

Elijah ran to hide from the reality of his life, but God met him where he was. He ran to the cave of a familiar past out of fear. He was running from the present task that God had for him. But God followed him there. And God cared for him there. And God spoke to him.

People today are running from reality. They are afraid of the responsibilities and the troubles of everyday life. People today look around and they see no burning bushes or pillars of fire. Occasionally we see a flash of brilliance, a miracle, the hand of God. But after the smoke clears all we see is life's troubles bearing down on us. So people try to escape into materialism, or consumerism, or drugs, or entertainment.

Elijah shows us that God is present in the ordinary as much as in the extra-ordinary. Like us, he tried to escape from his troubles. It is true none of us has Jezebel's army hunting us down. But we have all tried to run from our troubles as he did. Elijah had tried to run and hide in the past. He tried to find God by running from his troubles.