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Sermon for Sundays between July 10 & 16
Year C
"Christian Standards"
Amos 7:7-17
"Standing Strong in Jesus"
Colossians 1:1-14
"Who is My Neighbor?"
Luke 10:25-37
"Do We Measure Up?"
Amos 7:7-17
Luke 10:25-37
"Christian Standards"

Amos 7:7-17

I like to cook. I like to cook because I like to eat. My mother taught me to cook. She pulled out her cookbooks and scribbled recipes and showed be how to measure and mix the ingredients. My mother in law makes the most delicious homemade biscuits. I tried to get her to teach me how to make them. She said take some flour and some shortening and some butter milk. How much? What measurements? She didn't know. "Just enough."

What are our standards? Well one standard is the Bible! God has told us though his prophets what is required. One of Amos' fellow prophets put it this way, "He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8) Through this record of God's revelation to humankind through the ages we have a standard.

The Bible is a standard for the Christian Life. But so are the lives of righteous people. One interpretation of our passage from Amos is that Amos is the plumb line. He is standing tall for God and proclaiming God's word. He is even threatened and persecuted and accused of profiteering. But he refuses to stop seeking justice and righteousness.

The Bible is a standard and the lives of faithful people are a standard. But as Christians we ultimately have to look at the life of Jesus as our standard. He after all is the Word of God made flesh. He is the love and the law and the righteousness and justice of God lived out in human form. He is the ultimate plumb line for the entire human race.

So how do we measure up? Not well I am afraid. Even the best Bible scholars among us does not know the whole Bible. And when we compare our lives to giants of the faith like Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King, Jr. we are all leaning dangerously and in danger of falling. But then when we measure ourselves against the standard of Jesus no human being could possibly measure up.

So what are we to do? There is no way that any of us can possibly live up to the standards of Jesus. So are we all doomed? Will we all topple over like a leaning wall?

"Standing Strong in Jesus"

Colossians 1:1-14

It's hard to be a Christian today. I am not just talking about the materialism and self centeredness of our society. Those things do make it hard to devote ourselves entirely to loving God and our neighbor. They call us to place other things before God. But also the basic building blocks of our beliefs are at odds with society. In a society that values self sufficiency and strength we proclaim that we are entirely inadequate. The idea that Jesus is the only way of salvation is also at odds with a society that cannot understand how we can disagree with other religions and still respect them at the same time.

The first thing that Paul says he is praying for is "that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding," (1:9) What is God's will? It's a very important question! When we are faced with conflicts in our lives, how does God want us to respond? God is the one who made us and knows us. What does God want? And how can we know what God wants? How can we seek to be filled with the knowledge of his will in "all spiritual wisdom?"

The second thing that Paul says he is praying for is that they "lead a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God."(1:10) It is one thing to know the will of God, but it is another to do it. You can aim to do the right thing all you want but it is no good until you fire. This is where the rubber meets the road. You can ask "What would Jesus do?" but then you have to do it or the asking was pointless.

The last thing he says he is praying for is that they may "be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light."(1:11-12) We don't make ourselves strong. I know I told you to study the Bible and to practice what you learn. But ultimately it is not our actions that make us stand strong for Jesus. It is power of God that dwells in us. Our actions simply open or close the door to that power.

Paul said, "He has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."(1:13-14) "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me." We had all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. But we have been delivered from that. We are brought out of the darkness of sin and brought into the light of God!

"Who is My Neighbor?"

Luke 10:25-37

One day Jesus was teaching on the front steps of the church as was his habit and a crowd gathered to listen. One of the people in the crowd was a Seminary Professor, a Bible scholar. She wanted to show off, so she said to Jesus, "Doctor, what must a person do to receive salvation?" Jesus said, "What does the Bible say?" The teacher liked this response. It gave her a chance to show off some more. She said, "You must love the God with all you mind, soul and strength. And you must love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus said, "That's right! Now do it." But the professor wasn't finished showing off so she asked, "Who is my neighbor?"

Who is my neighbor? It is an important question. The man who asked the question in Jesus' day was a lawyer. The law he practiced was God's law, the Bible. He was an expert on the commandments in the Bible. If someone had a question about how to keep God's law they would come to him to help them understand. So in many ways he was like a modern Bible Scholar who helps people understand God's will as outlined in the Bible.

"Who is my Neighbor?" The imaginative retelling of the Parable of the Good Samaritan that I used this morning was inspired by a similar retelling by a man named Clarence Jordan. Clarence Jordan was a Baptist Minister and a Greek Scholar. Clarence was a native of Georgia. He and some other Christians ran a farm in the late 40's to mid 60's. They tried to live by Biblical principles, and they welcomed anyone who wanted to join them. Based on his knowledge of Greek and the Bible Clarence would "translate" the New Testament. Not just from Greek to English, but from first century Palestine to 20th century America. He would tell the stories as if they were happening in Georgia. And the characters were like the people of the cotton patches of Georgia. He called these writings "Cotton Patch" versions of the New Testament.

Who is my neighbor? This is a question that we all have to wrestle with. It's God's will that we love our neighbors. The Lawyer had that part right. But we have to know who our neighbors are to love them. The easy answer is to say everyone. Then add even the people on the other side of the world. But Jesus' answer tells us to look right next door.

"Do We Measure Up?"
Amos 7:7-17
Luke 10:25-37

Do we measure up? One day Amos was going about his business and he saw something. God showed Amos that he was measuring the people. Amos saw God standing beside a wall measuring it with a plumb line. The wall undoubtedly represented Israel and God was checking to see if they measured up spiritually and morally. This is a common theme among the Prophets. God measures the people of Israel and finds them wanting.

In a sense Amos could be seen as that plumb line. Actually God's Word through Moses and the Prophets was the real measure, but Amos was the one proclaiming God's Word for that time and place. Amos told the people of Israel and Judah to live righteously and to seek justice. Those of you who have been studying Amos in Sunday School are familiar with this message. He told the people that they were under God's judgment because they mistreated the vulnerable and needy. He told them that their worship was meaningless and even sinful because they were not living for God day to day.

Do we measure up? That was the essence of what the lawyer in our Gospel lesson was asking. He said, "Teacher what must I do to inherit eternal life?" In other words what must I do to measure up to God's standards to get in to heaven? The man answered his own question: "love the Lord your God...and your neighbor as yourself." Jesus said, "You are right now do it!"

Do we measure up? In Amos God says he has placed a plum line in the midst of his people to measure them. In Amos' day that plum line was God's Word. The Word of God revealed by Moses and the Prophets. But also the Word of God lived out by Amos. Amos, a poor farmer, stood up to the king and the religious establishment to say "Thus saith the Lord."

Do we measure up? Look at your life and judge for yourself. Does your devotional life measure up to Jesus'? He prayed all the time and attended his local Synagogue every Sabbath. He was in constant communion with God. Does your obedience to God measure up to Jesus'? Jesus was obedient to God even to the point of death. He knew that death on the cross waited for him and still he prayed "Thy will be done." Does your forgiveness measure up the Jesus'? Jesus was wrongfully accused of blasphemy and treason and was nailed to a cross. Yet he prayer to the Father "forgive them for they know not what they are doing." Does your sacrifice to God measure up to Jesus'? Jesus gave it all up for God. He loved the world so much that he gave up his life in heaven to live in our sinful world. He sacrificed the glories of heaven for a cattle stall and then he sacrificed his life for the sins of the world? Most people wouldn't even die for a righteous man, but Christ died for us while we were yet sinners.

Amos tells us that God has placed a plum line in the midst of his people. That plum line is Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. And we don't measure up. God destroyed Israel for not measuring up. Israel fell not too long after Amos' prophesy.