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Sermon for Sundays between July 17 & 23
Year C
"Saved, Right Where You Are"
Colossians 1:21-29
"Confessions of a Modern Day Martha"
Luke 10:38-42
"Saved, Right Where You Are"

Colossians 1:21-29

The Colossians thought that they had to escape this world to be reconciled with God. This belief grew out of the Greek philosophy. In this philosophy the material world and the spiritual world did not mix. They were like oil and water. You can shake them up but they always separate again. According to this Philosophy to experience the spiritual you had to escape the material; to experience the eternal you had to escape the temporal. The mystery religions of the Greek world contained mythologies of the spiritual realm. According to these mythologies people had to be lifted from the material world to experience the eternal and spiritual. To be reconciled with God the eternal, one had to somehow get out of temporal and material.

Many Christians today believe that salvation means escaping this realm to get to the next. I am not talking about the new age religionists who practice channeling and things like that. I am concerned about people who believe in Christ, but who believe that salvation comes only by escaping this life. This takes many different forms. Some people believe that being saved means never having troubles. Somehow when we experience salvation the troubles of this life go away. When troubles come they either doubt their salvation or they deny the troubles existence. We all know from experience that this is not true. There are others who view salvation as merely life after death insurance. They think that in this life we are separated from God and God's blessing, but those who believe will receive those blessings in the next life. It basically argues that contact with the divine in this world is not possible. We are alienated from the eternal by this temporal life. But once these earthly bonds are cut we will be free to experience communion with God.

A good example of this spiritual truth is the life of Paul. He suffered. Remember where Paul was when he wrote this letter? He was in prison. Back in those days there was no Amnesty International or ACLU to look after the rights of prisoners. If you were in prison you were at the mercy of the jail keeper. Paul was repeatedly beaten and imprisoned all through his life. On top of all that he had an ailment, or "thorn in the flesh," that constantly bothered him.

You are saved, right where you are. That is; if you have trusted in Christ, you are saved. We were all once separated and alienated from our Heavenly Father. That is the state that we are all born into. We live in a sinful world and we have all participated in its sinfulness. We are alienated from the love of our Heavenly Father and communion of His blessed Spirit by our sin.

"Confessions of a Modern Day Martha"

Luke 10:38-42

"Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only."(James 1:22) Martha was a doer. She was good at doing things and she did a lot. She was constantly doing. She was constantly taking care of people, feeding them showing them hospitality. And she did herself proud.

Then Jesus looked down and there was Mary sitting at his feet. "Master," she said, "Tell me about this kingdom that you say is coming." And Jesus began to share with her. He told her that the kingdom is like a father who forgives his son, that it will be a blessing to the righteous but a curse to the unrighteous. They talked and talked about the kingdom and his ministry and the places he had been and the people he had met. Once in the middle of a parable Jesus was startled by an especially loud clanging of pots.

So these words of Jesus ring in my ears. It's a matter of perspective I think. It's not that doing is bad in and of itself. After all Jesus told his disciples to go and do likewise. It is a matter of knowing when not to do as much as when to do.

We are all modern day Martha's from time to time. I know that many of you are busy "Going and doing likewise." You drive the Wheels Van, you work at Vacation Bible School, you volunteer at the hospital or Sharing God's Love, you help with the senior citizens, you care for your families, you take care of business at work. And as a Christian you are doing it all for the glory of God.