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Sermon for Sundays between July 31 & Aug. 6
Year B
"Braggin' on Grace"
Ephesians 4:1-16
"Look Up!"
John 6:24-35
"Braggin' on Grace"

Ephesians 4:1-16

I've heard a lot of people braggin' on Grace. And there's a lot to brag about. I have heard people bragging about our music program. I've heard people say we have a choir better than some of the choirs of certain prominent Columbia church that will remain unnamed. Given the small size of Grace it is amazing the amount of musical talent we have. And with the direction we receive from Susan that talent is put to good use.

Well, the reason I am braggin' on Grace is I think that is kind of what Paul is doing in his letter to the Ephesians. Sometimes Paul as a pastor had to step on a few toes, but sometimes he had to pat a church on the back. The tone of this passage is that of Paul patting the Ephesians on the back and encouraging them. But he does more than just say "keep up the good work." He tells them how they can do it. And he tells them exactly what it is that they are doing that is so good.

Then Paul went on to say, "But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ's gift."(vs. 7) He later adds, "And his gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers."(vs. 11) Paul is here following up on the theme of being one body in Christ. In his other writings he expands on this image. We are the Body of Christ and each of us different part of it. So we don't all have the same gifts and abilities ands callings. If the whole body were an eye where would the hearing be. And the foot can't say to the hand I don't need you. If everyone in the church were a preacher who would be in the congregation?

So through the grace of God we have been brought together in one body to know Jesus. Then what? Paul writes, "so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles."(vs. 14) I heard it said that people who believe in nothing, will fall for anything. That is the way people seem today. They run after every fad of spirituality. Even within the church people get caught up in arguments over doctrinal questions that are inconsequential.

God has given us grace through his Spirit to unite us so that we can know Jesus and make him known to others. But you already knew that didn't you. Grace already knows that we have been given God's grace to bring us together. We already know of the call to humility and meekness in our one faith. We also know that we are to strengthen one another so that we can know Jesus and make him known to others.

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"Look Up!"

John 6:24-35

"Look Up" is the title of a painting. This painting depicts the front of a large city church. On the sidewalk in front of the church people are walking back and forth: women with children, men with briefcases. On the side of the church, about 10 feet off the pavement is a sign. It is one of those signs that are often in front of a church. It has those white on black letters that can be removed and rearranged. The sign proclaims the times of worship services and the sermon title. The priest or pastor is standing on the pavement in front of the church. And the church custodian is on a ladder and is next to the sign. He has just changed the sermon title. It says: "Sunday's Sermon: 'Look Up'."

The people talking to Jesus in today's lesson are from the same crowd that ate the bread that Jesus blessed and divided. They still wanted to make him an earthly king. So they went after him when they realized he was gone. A small group of diligent seekers finally found him on the other side of the lake. Astonished they said, "How did you get here?" He hadn't gotten into the boats with the others. When had he come over?

I guess at this point these people realized that they were looking down. So they began to think about more than their bellies. And one looked up and asked, "Jesus, what is God's will? What does God want us to do?" Jesus answered, "God wants you to believe in the one whom he has sent." Then another looked up and said, "Jesus, we want to believe what you say, but a great teacher is supposed to work some wonder so that we know that he is from God. We believe Moses because our ancestors ate heavenly bread in the desert. What sign do you give so that we may believe what you say?"

Jesus is the bread of life. But few people look up to him. We are too busy looking down at the problems and troubles of the day. We are too busy looking down at the sidewalk to see where we will take the next step or looking down to others for approval for what we have done. Like the people in Norman Rockwell's painting we are the ones looking down. Even our "spiritual" lives become subverted and turned downward.

Jesus is the bread of life. Look up to him. He came down from heaven to give us eternal life. Earthly bread feeds the body and gives it life. But Jesus feeds the soul and sustains it unto everlasting life.

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