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"Onward Christian Soldiers"

Sermon for Sundays between Aug. 21 & 27
Year B
"I'd Rather Be In Church"
Psalm 84
"There's No Place Like Home"
Psalm 84
"Onward Christian Soldiers?"
Ephesians 6:10-20
"Watch Your Diet!"
John 6:56-59

"I'd Rather Be In Church"

Psalm 84

You can tell a lot about people by looking at the bumper stickers. You can tell that they have kids if they are the proud parent of an honor roll students. You can tell what their political leanings are. I remember one I saw that said "I'm from North Carolina and I didn't vote for Jesse Helms." Shortly after the 2000 election I saw one that said "Re-elect Gore in 2004."

"I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than live in the tents of wickedness." The thing I want to know is where are these tents of wickedness? If we are going to make a comparative judgment we need to know where those tents of wickedness are. Are they near by or are they far away? Is there a sign post somewhere telling how to get to them? Do we have to go all the way to Las Vegas to find them?

So what are these tents of wickedness? One of them is the tent of self reliance. We usually think go self reliance as a good thing. And it is a good thing to not have to be overly dependant on other people. But radical self reliance can be sin.

Another tent of wickedness is the tent of materialism. A lot of people in out society dwell in this tent. The problem is that this tent can fall all too easily. Recent economic events have shown that. Living for material gain is an endless treadmill and leads no where. Keeping up with the Joneses is a useless endeavor.

Another tent of wickedness is the tent of self centeredness. Many people live in this tent. They love thinking only of themselves. They don't invest their lived in others. In the tent of self centeredness real relationship are never developed.

The psalmist said, "I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than live in the tents of wickedness." The tents of wickedness are all around us. Those who dwell in them are empty and alone and without help. They search for something real and lasting and end up relying on themselves and things and investing in nothing real. But "Happy are those who live in your house, ever singing your praise. Happy are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion."

"There's No Place Like Home"

Psalm 84

There's no place like home. That's what Dorothy said as she clicked the heels of her ruby slippers together. Whether it's a farm house on the plains of Kansas or a Condo on Harbison, there is no place like home. Isn't that what we sing each year: "There's no place like home for the Holidays�?"

The psalmist knew this perhaps in a way we do not. Psalm 84 is one of the songs of Zion. It was one of the songs that people sang as they make the trek up into the mountains to go to the temple in Jerusalem. The visit to Jerusalem was not a weekly thing as coming to the church can and should be for us. I remember when I was a youth the church was just a few miles from our house and I could literally just drop by the church any time. For many of us it is the same way. The church is conveniently located near our homes and places of commerce.

There's no place like a church home and there's no place like our heavenly home. The psalmist may be talking about the temple in Jerusalem, but at the same time he may be thinking of our heavenly home. Isn't that what we were singing about this morning? "When we all get to heaven..." Much of Christian music expresses that theme. Earth is not our home. Heaven is our true home.

There's no place like being at home in God. But getting to that home means taking a journey. Like the Psalmist we must travel to get there. Sometimes the road is rough and steep and hard. But communion with God is what our hearts and souls long and faint for.

Where is your home? Where do you live? Come home to God. God's courts are better than the places of this world. The psalmist says he would rather be a doorman in the house of God then to live in the tents of wickedness. That is because heaven is our true home. We were created to live in God and He in us. God is our true home.

"Onward Christian Soldiers?"

Ephesians 6:10-20

Paul says, "Put on the whole armor of God." Some Christians are frankly put off by this militaristic image. They are offended by the use of images that promote killing in the service of Christ. After all Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He said, "Blessed are the peace makers." There is too much killing in our world, too much violence. We should be bringing an end to the killing not making war.

Who was the prime enemy of the Ephesians? Was it the Jews? The Bible tells us that the Jews persecuted the Christians from the beginning. The earliest Christians were Jews first, but they were thrown out of the synagogues because they believed in Jesus. The Jews stoned or beat some who proclaims Christ like Stephen and Paul.

To face this enemy Paul says, "Put on the full armor of God. Stand therefore having girded your loins with truth." What truth? The truth that God loved the world and sent his son to die. The truth that God is the creator of this world and he has given all power into Jesus' hands. The truth that Jesus will come again bringing judgment and blessing.

Paul wrote these things to a group of Christians in a Mediterranean town almost 2,000 years ago, but he wrote them for us too because we are under siege. Who is our enemy? Is it the rampant materialism and worldliness of our age? Is it the encroachment of civil authorities on our religious freedoms? Is it the specters of crime, poverty, drug abuse, etc.? Is it the festering sore of prejudice growing in our country? Is it the dissolution of the family and the growing number of dysfunctional and abusive homes?

So equip yourselves for a war with the Devil. Accept the tools God gives you to do battle with the Prince of Ignorance and Darkness. Look to God for the truth that dispels the darkness of ignorance. Look to Christ who give eternal life that the Devil can never take away. Look to the Holy Spirit that gives you strength to stand when the battle is long and guidance when the enemy is hard to find. Look to the Almighty that give you a Gospel of love and peace that can heal the wounds of the world.

"Watch Your Diet!"

John 6:56-69

"You are going to have to watch your diet." That is what the doctor said or words to that effect. I was only about 10 or 11 at the time and the doctor had discovered that my Dad had high blood pressure. This was not uncommon for a man his age but he decided that my Father had to go on a low cholesterol diet. That meant we all had to go on a diet. Now this was in the '70's before there were a lot of low fat and low cholesterol product on the market. In our house scrambled eggs were the main staple for breakfast, so a lot of things had to change.

Jesus basically was telling his disciples to watch their diet. He had said I am the bread of life. Of course he was not talking about the physical bread that fills the stomach. He was talking about the spiritual food that feeds the heart and soul and gives the spirit life. Jesus was telling his disciples that they needed to go on an all bread diet.

But some of Jesus' disciples didn't like this prescription. They said, "This teaching is difficult, who can accept it," and they fell away. You know diets are like that. They are hard to stick to. A lot of people go on diets fully intending to stay away from fats and cholesterol, but before long they fall into old habits. They want to satisfy their hungers and appetites and so they fall away just like these disciples.

But some of the disciples didn't fall away. When Jesus asked why, Peter responded. He said, "Lord, to whom can we go. You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."(John 6:68-69)

Watch your diet! Monitor your spiritual intake. Be careful of excess spiritual calories that the world offers. Stay away from the fatty lusts and appetites that the world offers. Avoid the spicy prejudices and hatreds that could give your spirit heart burn. Stay away form the junk food of the world that will clog your spiritual arteries and damage the health of your heart and soul.