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"Onward Christian Soldiers"
Sermons for Sundays between Aug. 28 & Sept. 3
Year B
"Spiritual Spring Cleaning"
Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
"Wash Your Hands!" -or-
"My Mother's a Pharisee?"
Mark 7:1-23
"Doers of the Word"
James 1:17-27

"Spiritual Spring Cleaning"

Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

"You heard of this Jesus guy? I was talking to my Preacher right after my morning meditation the other day and he don't do things right. He's always hanging around with those filthy Gentiles and even eats with them. And because he associates with such people he is picking up bad habits. Sometimes he doesn't even cleanse his hands and say a proper grace before eating. And it's not like he simply forgets. He doesn't seem to care when his disciples showed the same lack of respect for the religion of their forbearers.

The problem with Christians to day is that most aren't. I know that sounds cynical. But that is the main legitimate complaint that the world has against the church today. They see Christians saying they believe in Jesus but then not acting like Jesus. The world looks at Christians and says, "Well if they don't really believe what they say then why should we." They end up concluding that all we Christians do is pay lip service to a bunch of good ideas we really don't believe in. They notice when we talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

Now you are all good church folk. I mean you are here on a Sunday morning doing what good church folk do. You are reading your Bibles and bowing your heads and trying to look like you are listening to the preacher. What is Jesus saying to us here? Is he saying that traditions are bad? No, he is not speaking against the tradition but against the hypocrisy of those keeping the traditions.

What we need to do is some spring cleaning. My wife and I have different philosophies of cleaning. I believe in putting everything in closets and drawers to make the room look clean. The end result is that they all looks nice and the floors and the counters are clean, but sometimes if you open the wrong drawer or closet everything comes falling out. My wife's specialty is what I call "Spring Cleaning." That is where you take all the stuff out of the drawers and closets and sort through them and put them back in an orderly fashion.

"Wash Your Hands!"
"My Mother's a Pharisee?"

Mark 7:1-23

Jesus and his disciples were hungry. We know from the Bible that the crowds and the Pharisees kept Jesus so busy that he had trouble finding time to eat. On one occasion they even interrupt his meal. One day Jesus and his disciples stole some time from teaching and healing to eat dinner. In the middle of their dinner a nearby Pharisee said, (Gasp) "Jesus, why don't your disciples keep the traditions of our people. Why do they eat with unwashed hands."

In Summary: The Pharisees told Jesus to wash his hands before he ate. Does that mean that my mother was a Pharisee? Don't worry, my mother was not a Pharisee and neither was yours. The Pharisees were not concerned with hygiene like your mother was. What they were referring to was a ceremonial washing that their traditions taught. The problem wasn't that Jesus and his disciples had dirt under their fingernails. The problem was that Jesus did not teach his followers to do all that their traditions taught.

Jesus and his disciples were some of the people they condemned for not holding to all the traditions. Jesus was a common man, a carpenter. He knew what a burden these traditions had become; especially for common people. Water was scarce and hard to get. The women would have to go early in the day before it got hot, and draw water from the well. Then they would have to carry it back. There was not water left to wash the outside of the pots when only the inside needed cleaning. For those who could afford to expend the time, energy and expense of keeping the traditions, they were fine, but for most they were a hardship.

You know times haven't changed much since Jesus' day. Maybe our mothers weren't Pharisees, but there are still plenty of Pharisees around. I would say that Christians today have just as many rules and traditions as the Pharisees had. For some the Christian life is summed up in "Don't smoke drink or chew or hang around with people who do." That's not bad advice for those who seek to live a Christian life. But is that what makes us a holy people? Or is it God's Holy Spirit that dwells in our hearts that makes us holy? Sometimes our traditions have good bases, but they take on a life of their own. And we begin to think that keeping our traditions makes us holy.

In a moment I will be inviting you to respond to God's Word in prayer and praise and communion. Don't come to this altar thinking that you are holy because you did a good thing. Don't praise God because you think that you praise earns God's favor. In like manner when you leave this place don't perform acts of mercy and love to justify yourself.

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"Doers of the Word"

James 1:17-27

The Word of God is like a mirror. If you have ever experienced the aging process, you know that mirrors don't tell lies. They merely reflect what is placed in front of them. That is their nature. They do not have minds that could decide to present a false image. They are just glass that reflects reality whether that reality is pretty or not.

The Bible is like a mirror. Some people complain that there is too much violence in the Bible. Occasionally someone will really read the Bible for the first time and they will realize what is in it. There are stories about things that our parents didn't tell us about. People kill each other left and right. And every kind of sin that you can think of.

Christ is like a mirror. When we Christians speak of the Word of God we mean more than the Bible. The Bible is our primary witness to the Word of God so we call it that. But John's Gospel reminds us that Christ is the Word of God made flesh. When I say Christ is like a mirror I don't mean Christ is a mindless piece of glass that is silvered on one side. I mean that looking at Christ shows us the truth about ourselves.

Sometimes people ignore things they don't want to see. They conveniently forget what they see in the mirror. The same way that people forget that they have a dentist appointment. Some people simply choose not to look in the first place. It's like the way people close their eyes while watching a horror movie. They always do it right when the monster is about to attack someone.

Be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves. The Word of God is like as mirror. It present for us an image of humans as they are. It doesn't lie to us. It doesn't distort that image so that it appears as we want it to. It shows us humanity with all its bulges, wrinkles and gray hairs. It reveals to each of us our true sinfulness.

In a moment we will all get out of our pews and go out that door. When you do, don't forget. Don't forget what you saw and heard here today. Don't forget the sinfulness of humanity. There are people out there lost in darkness. There is a world out there lost in sin. It is not pretty, but it is the truth. Don't forget the image of yourself that you have seen either. Warts and all. Let that image sink in. Don't forget the truth that has been revealed to you. The truth that we humans are lost. That if we were left to our own we would be hopeless.