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Sermons for Sundays between Sept. 18 & 24
Year B
"We're #1"
Mark 9:30-37
"Getting Smart�
Mark 9:30-37
"Which Way For a Closer Walk With God?"
James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a

"We're #1"

Mark 9:30-37

"We're #1! We're #1! We're #1! We're #1!" Everyone wants to be number one: to be on top, the king of the hill, to win it all. We want our teams to win; it is the American way. We even take pride that our county is the strongest, the last remaining superpower.

The disciples were human and had this same bent toward pride. Jesus had explained to them over and over. The Messiah will be handed over and killed and rise again. But they failed to understand. They couldn't accept that Jesus would be beaten and killed that evil powers would physically subdue the Son of God. It didn't fit their plans of conquest and glory. So they refused to hear it.

At the end of the day's journey Jesus asked, "What were you talking about on the road?" They didn't answer, but Jesus knew. So he sat them down and said, "If any would be number one in my kingdom you must be last and servant to all." And he took and child and hugged it and said, "If you will but embrace one such child, you embrace me and not only that but you embrace the one who sent me as well."

All this reminds me of a story.

Do you want to be God's number one? Do you want to embrace the Messiah the Lamb of God? Then practice stooping. Practice the art of humility. Reach down to give a hand to someone in need. Sacrifice your wants for the needs of another.

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"Getting Smart�

Mark 9:30-37

Wisdom is power. The saying goes that "Knowledge is power." We live in the information age. Many practice the belief that knowledge is power. Corporations go to great lengths to crunch the numbers, and collate the data so that they can statistically summarize in a revealing way. To gain an understanding that their competitor doesn't have.

Jesus' disciples knew that wisdom is power. They were also aware that true wisdom comes only from God. And they knew that in Jesus, they had a direct line to God. At times Jesus would take them aside and teach them privately. Jesus would tell them things that he wouldn't tell the crowds. They were gaining knowledge from him that others didn't have.

But don't be too quick to judge the disciples. We do the same thing. Some Christians spend a lot of energy and time trying to gain a better understanding of the Bible than their peers. They go through all kinds of mental gymnastics trying to extract some privileged knowledge from the God's Word. The most ludicrous example are those try to calculate the date of Jesus' return. Let's see, if you take Revelation 24:1 in the original Greek, and add up the sum of the numerical value of each letter and that should produce the year that Jesus will return. There! Jesus will return in the year 1845. That can't be right. Oh yes we need to multiply that by the square root of three. That is three for the Trinity.

Wisdom is powerful so we desire it. But it is elusive. Like diamonds, wisdom is hard to find. It comes only from God.

"Which Way For a Closer Walk With God?"

James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a

A husband and wife who had been married for 20 years were riding down the road. As they rode a young couple passed them. The young woman was snuggled up against the young man. His arm was around her shoulder. And her head was on his shoulder.

James starts his description of the road of earthly wisdom that leads away from God with a question. "Who is wise and understanding among you?" (3:13) Now, we are all intelligent people. Many of us have college educations. And those of you who don't were smart enough to come to this church! I have sat in on Bible Studies and Sunday School classes and even taught a fair number and I have heard a lot of profound insights from members of this congregation.

James then goes on to say that this kind of worldly wisdom leads to conflicts. People desire what they don't have and then the even go as far as to kill to get those things. The story seems to be right out of the morning papers. An inner city student kills another for a leather jacket or a pair of athletic shoes. A suburban mom plots the murder of one of her daughter's peers so her daughter can be captain of the cheerleading squad. One country invades another to get at the natural resources in that territory.

This way of worldly wisdom is so easy to fall into. Its ways seem so logical. It is like the leader of a revolution. After defeating the oppressive government, he needs to consolidate power. In the process he finds himself turning to the same repressive tactics of his defeated enemy. It seems the logical and reasonable thing to do but in the end he becomes the very thing he rebelled against.

So how do we avoid this wrong way that leads to death? First we choose the way of humility instead of the way of pride. James says, "Show your wisdom by works of gentleness born of wisdom. James here sounds his familiar theme or demonstrating our faith by our works. But there it is more than that. If we actively humble ourselves before God it will affect the way we think.

Who is the pilot in your life? Are you trying to call all the shots? Are you led by the worldly wisdom of self satisfaction and gratification? Are you experiencing envy and jealousy? Do you find yourself striving for and coveting things you don't have? Are you on the road to anger and destruction?