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Sermons for Sundays between Oct. 23 & 29
Year B
"The Problem of Evil"
Job 42:1-6
"The Son of Timaeus Sees"
Mark 10:46-52

"The Son of Timaeus Sees"

Mark 10:46-52

Blind Bartimaeus; poor Blind Bartimaeus. Some say it as if "blind" were his first name. The name "Bartimaeus" literally means the son of Timaeus, or son of uncleanness. We don't know how long he had been blind. Apparently he could see at one time. I imagine it may have been most of his life.

When we meet Bartimaeus in the Gospel of Mark he was doing what he did every day: begging. But this was the high point of the begging season. The Passover was approaching and many pilgrims were coming through Jericho on their way to Jerusalem only 15 miles away. Religious people on a pilgrimage were generous. So there Bartimaeus sat in darkness begging gifts from strangers. He would call to the passers by: "Sons of Abraham, have mercy on a blind beggar." "God blesses those who show mercy to the needy." "The God of Mercies loves the merciful." He would call blindly into the crowd hoping someone would hear.

Bartimaeus was not the only blind person in that crowd. Many of the people on that road that day were blind. Sure they could see with their eyes, but like Bartimaeus they were dwelling in darkness. They had no idea where Jesus was headed and what he would do when he got there. They had the light of God, Jesus, right there in their midst. And they were blind to his presence.

Many today are blind. They are blind but they don't know it. They are so blind they are blind to their blindness. The people on that road to Jericho had the source of eternal light and heavenly vision in their midst and they could not see. Today people are lost without direction. They wander through life as if they were blind. Most people are blind to the very presence Spirit of God.

Jesus the author of light is passing by here today. Have you heard of him? Some say he is God's chosen king. They say he has wisdom greater than all our scholars. They even say he can raise the dead. It is reported that he gives sight to the blind.

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"The Problem of Evil"

Job 42:1-6

When I was in college I was introduced to the Problem of Evil on a philosophical level. Briefly the problem is this: If God is all knowing, all powerful, and all loving, then why does evil exist? Put in every day language "Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?" Think about it. If God loves us, as we believe God does, and God is able to do everything, and God knows of our suffering as we know God does, then why does God allow the righteous or innocent to suffer? Atheists argue that this is proof that there is no God. If there were a God they argue then the righteous would not suffer. And the innocent would not be the victims of evil. Babies would not suffer from painful birth defects, and evil people would not kill righteous people.

I imagine this in some small way is how Job felt. Get this straight; Job was a righteous man. In Job 1:8 God says Job is a "blameless and upright man." And Job was faithful to God through tests that many of us would fail. In one day Job lost his family and his property. His reply was "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord." Then Job lost his health. Satan struck him with sores all over his body. He was forced to sit in the city dump and scrape his sores. Even his wife told him to curse God and die. But he said, "Shall we receive good health from God, and not the bad." Most righteous people would have cursed God long before this point.

You know God was aware of Job's question. So once all these humans had finished flapping their gums, God appeared. Out of a whirlwind God spoke to Job. And God said, "How dare you question me! Who are you to demand an explanation for my actions? It was I who created you not you who created me. Do you know how this world works so well that you can tell me how to run things?"

So what is the solution to the problem of evil? I don't know. Why did God let Job suffer? I can tell you the story in the Bible, but I cannot explain or justify God's actions. And why does God let Melissa suffer? Beats me. I am too little to understand such great things.

We have all been in Job's shoes. It is true that few have suffered as much as him but we have all suffered. And sometimes the cause of that suffering is beyond our comprehension. If you are suffering I can't offer you any final explanation. Such things are too big and wonderful for me to understand. I can't offer a solution to the problem of evil, but I can offer you a Savior.

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