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Sermon for Sundays between June 5 & 11
Year B
"Those Crazy Christians"

Mark 3:20-35

"Jesus is crazy," that's what the people were saying. And any normal person in Jesus' day would have said the same thing. Jesus' behavior proves that. He was associating with sinners, and publicans, And eating with tax collectors, These undesirables even incited him to break the Sabbath. All of this started suddenly. One day Jesus wandered off into the desert. When he got back, half starved, he insisted that the Kingdom of God would come any minuet. Before anyone could talk sense to him he started wandering around going from Synagogue to Synagogue telling the people to repent and believe the good news, because God's very own Kingdom was coming. As a result Jesus was exposing himself to lepers and demon possessed people. They sought him out. They would come bringing their diseases to him. And the demons would verbally accost him. No person in their right mind would allow that to happen to them.

Now Jesus was not blind to what was happening. He heard the rumor just like everyone else. So he addressed the crowd. And what he said was very logical. It was no the ranting of a mad man. What Jesus said was the carefully constructed logic of one in full command of his faculties. It was so logical that showed how illogical the scribes were to suggest that he was possessed.

I feel I need to pause here for a moment and talk about what Jesus has said here. This "unforgivable sin" talk is disturbing to us. It's disturbing because it seems to be contrary to everything we are taught about Jesus and about our heavenly Father. Just the verse before Jesus says that any sin can be forgiven, even blasphemy, presumably against God. Why should Blasphemy against one person of the trinity be more serious than blasphemy against the entire Godhead. Refusing to forgive someone for this sin does not seem like the act of a God who would sacrifice his only begotten for our salvation.

You know there are always people who say, "Jesus has an unclean spirit." Most scholars believe that the Gospel of Mark was written only 30 to 40 years after Jesus ascended. The church was still small and on the fringe of the main line religions. Most people thought Christianity was just another cult. And that Christians were just a bunch of lunatics.

You know there are still some people who think Jesus was crazy. And the powers of evil proclaim, "You Christians are crazy." They say "People are innately good, but you crazy Christians say we are sinful." They say "Just look at what human beings can accomplish." They say "There is not good or evil, everything is what we decide it is." And they say, "Jesus was nothing more than an apocalyptic madman who ran around saying the world was coming to an end." "You Christians aren't just crazy to follow him, you are possessed!"

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