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Sermons for Sundays between June 12 & 18
Year B
"Father's Day Photo Album"
Mark 4:26-34
"Seeing with God's Eyes"
1 Samuel 16:1-13
"We are ALWAYS Confident"
2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17

"Father's Day Photo Album"

Mark 4:26-34

I was surfing the net and I came a cross a "Father's Day Photo Album." It was a collection of photos of fathers and their children. These photos had been sent in by people who wanted to share them. In one picture a man was sitting with his son in a fishing boat. In another, two fathers were with their children on the shore. Each of the photos showed a father and his children smiling and happy.

Father's Day is a little different in the church than in the world. In the church all men are fathers. Each time a child is baptized in the church the whole church promises to "nurture one another in the Christian faith and include" the child being baptized in that nurturing. We also promise to "surround them with a community of love and forgiveness that they may grow in service and love to others" and to pray for them. Any Christian man who takes those vows takes the responsibility of raising and nurturing those children in the faith.

So if we were to create a photo album filled with pictures of the ideal of Christian fatherhood what would it look like? It would include men teaching children to pray. It would include pictures of men working beside children in serving others. It would show men and children laughing and playing at Church picnics, Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. It would show men listening to young people as they talk about their problems. It would have picture after picture of men passing on the faith.

But in order to see all this we first have to plant it. And to plant it we first have to have it growing in our lives. The Kingdom of God is like a man who tried to get grass to grow in a dandelion patch. Year after year he yearned for grass to grow there but only more dandelions grew until one year he got rid of the dandelions and planted grass seed. Our children are catching the seeds falling from our lives. If we have faith and the fruits of the Spirit growing in our lives those are the seeds that will grow in our children's lives. But if we have the dandelions of the world growing, that is what will germinate and grow to fruition and its seeds will fall into our children's hearts.

"Seeing with God's Eyes"

1 Samuel 16:1-13

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have sometimes wondered if the beholder needed glasses. Sometimes what one person sees as ugly, another thinks is beautiful. For instance, one young girl was ashamed by the appearance of her mother's arms. She thought they were ugly because they were badly scarred. Whenever a friend was coming over to visit she wanted her mother to wear a long sleeved blouse to cover the scars. Then one day the girl's grandmother told her how her mother had gotten those scars and her whole outlook on them changed. It seems that there was a fire in the house and her mother had been badly burned while rescuing her infant daughter. Suddenly those scarred arms became a beautiful symbol of her mother's love.

Samuel made the mistake of being fooled by the exterior of Jesse's sons. Israel needed a new King because Saul had turned his back on God. So God told Samuel to go to Bethlehem and to anoint the son of Jesse that God chose. So Samuel did as he was told. When he got there the first of Jesse's sons to come out was Eliab. He was tall and hansom. Just put a crown on him and he would look like a king. Samuel thought, "Surely this is the one God has chosen." But God said, "Samuel, forget his good looks and his height. I don't see things the way people see them. They look at only the outward appearance but I look at the heart." So the next of Jesse's sons was presented and he was not the one. This went on until all the sons were presented and rejected.

You know in this world people often judge by outward appearances. They judge by the beauty of their face, or their height, or the quality of their clothes. People often judge a person's ability to do a job based on the fact they they are in a wheelchair, or walk with a cane, not on the merit of their training and experience. Sometimes even by the color of their skin. People look and because someone is light or dark or yellow or red, They decided that person would be a good friend, a good co-worker, a good domestic servant. Or that person is a better athlete, or has better rhythm or is smarter, or is more ambitious. Sometimes we even let outward appearances influence our judgments of people's moral character. Some people would even refuse to eat with others because they are the wrong color, or their dress shows that they are too poor, or even too rich.

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"We are ALWAYS Confident"

2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17

Verily, Verily, I say unto you, the Kingdom of God is like a blind person who walks with confidence. Sometimes those who are blind walk tentatively and cautiously. They check each step to make sure they are not stepping on something. It is a way of walking that has been learned by experience. Through falling down stairways, tripping in holes or over curbs, and walking into walls most people who lose some eyesight learn to be careful.

I believe this little parable expresses what Paul was saying Corinthians Ch. 5. The meaning of this letter is best understood in the context of what was happening in Paul's ministry. This letter was written shortly after Paul was faced with death. Most believe he wrote this letter after leaving Ephasis. While in Ephasis he was almost lynched by a mob. It seems that while Paul was there the artisans who made statues of the gods got angry. They were mad because Paul was convincing people that gods of stone and metal were not gods, so they incited the crowds to riot, and that group came close to lynching Paul and some of his co-workers because their preaching had blasphemed Artimis the patron god of Ephasis.

How could Paul do this? How can someone face life so undauntedly. I stated earlier that we can't see the road we are walking on. We are blind to our futures. So shouldn't we be cautious and watch our step. I have to think of my wife and children, I can't just walk into life with the boldness that Paul did. If I go walking into a pit or a wall who will care for them. Doesn't it make more sense to be cautious?

We can't see what is ahead of us in life; we are blind to life's circumstances. Yet we Christians have reason to be always confident. We are confident because we walk by faith and not by sight. Faith in Christ. And we know that whatever happens he will be glorified. Whether we live of die we will be with him. So no matter what, we confidently walk with him.

I believe this lesson in Christian confidence has a special application for fathers. As Fathers we should model this truth in front of our children both young and old. We should face the future confidently. We can only do that if we walk by faith and not by sight. I am not counseling you fathers to be careless. Don't go bet the farm or the house or your career on some long shot. That is gambling. I'm talking about facing life with the faith that no matter what Christ will be with us.

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