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Sermon for Sundays between June 19 & 25
Year B
"David's Lesson for Dads"
1 Samuel 17:32-49
"What Time Is It?"
2 Corinthians 6:1-13
"Why are You Afraid?"
Mark 4:35-41
"David and Hurricane Goliath"
1 Samuel 17:32-49
Mark 4:35-41
"David's Lesson for Dads"

1 Samuel 17:32-49

It takes a lot to be a good Dad these days. We have to care for and protect our children in a world where it gets harder every day. I remember when I was little the kids in my neighborhood would just run around to each other's houses and play out in the yards of the neighborhood and ride our bikes up and down the street without a thought of any danger except the occasional car coming down our cul-de-sac. We were told not to talk to strangers or get in to cars with strangers but that was about the extent of it. Now we live in a world where kids are snatched off the streets and where they are not even safe in their own yards.

It seems to me that what men today need most of all is some armor. We need to be able to protect our children. There are so many dangers in our world. With a thick enough armor we can keep the things in the world that would hurt them away. Fathers today need to have a thick skin so that they can take a stand and not be touched. Being a good father takes having a think skin.

I guess then that what fathers today really need are weapons. We need strategies and resources to fight the evils of the world. We need to be able to beat back the evil forces that would effect our children. We need spears that can hit the devil at a distance so that we can keep him far from our children.

So what do men need to be good fathers today? Let's take a look at David; after all the title of the sermon is "David's Lesson for Dads." The story of David and Goliath is familiar to most people because we teach it to our children. David is a youth keeping his father's flocks. His older brothers go to war to fight the Philistines. And David follows them.

David did not need the armor or the weapons. All he needed was the name of the Lord. That's all fathers need today. We don't need armor and weapons to be good fathers. All we need is the Lord. The Lord will take what we have and make it sufficient for the task.

"What Time Is It?"

2 Corinthians 6:1-13

The story goes that a reporter went to an old folks home to do a public interest story. But this was no ordinary old folks home. This was a home for retired stand up comedians. As the reporter walked up to the home there was a large porch full of rocking chairs. In the rocking chairs were old men and women just rocking away.

Timing is so important. It is hard to know just when to do things. When to you deliver the punch line? When do you stop cutting bait and start fishing? When do you pop the question? When do you settle down? When do you ask your boss for that raise? When do you tell your boss what he can do with his job? When do you talk to your kids about drugs? When do you say "I Love you?"

By the way does anyone know what time it is? Yes, that may be true, but the Bible says that this is also the acceptable time! "Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation." (2 Cor. 6:2) Not yesterday, not tomorrow, not when you feel more like it. Now is the acceptable time. Now is the time to respond to God's grace.

That is also true of our relationship with God. People of faith sometimes have a falling out with God. Perhaps it is over an event in their lives that hurt them. Maybe it is just a period of spiritual listlessness or depression. Maybe someone hurt them while speaking or acting in "God's Name." Maybe they have just fallen out of touch with God.

"Why Are You Afraid?"

Mark 4:35-41

Tom and Martha were terrified. They had just gotten back from the doctors'. The doctors said Martha probably had cancer. What were they to do? Martha thought of all that things that might happen. Even with the health insurance the expense of her treatments would be incredible. It could wipe out all the money they had planned to retire on. Could she stand to go through the pain of surgery and therapy. And what if she died, what would Tom do without her.

Jack and Jane were frightened too, but for different reasons. Their marriage was on the rocks. A week before Jane had taken the kids and moved out. And here they were, sitting in the waiting room at the marriage counselor's office. They would have given anything to be somewhere else. The surroundings were peaceful, but inside their souls were in turmoil.

It is part of human nature to fear what we cannot control, and the disciples were certainly human. In the midst of that storm the disciples were genuinely afraid. Their small fishing boat was about to be swamped. They could almost see the headlines, "Galilean Rabbi and Disciples lost in Boat Accident." Their lives were in the balance, and there was little they could do about it.

Then Jesus turned to his disciples and said, "Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?" "Why are you afraid?" The question cut right to the heart of the problem. They were afraid, afraid for their lives. And to them it seemed natural and logical to be afraid in that situation. They were about to die.

Our lives are filled with storms. They take many different shapes and sizes. Some are storms of illness, like the one that Tom and Martha faced. Some are the storms of relationships like the one that Jack and Jane faced. Some are storms of economics and position. The list goes on. Each person knows their own list of fears that take over their lives and create turmoil. There are many things that suddenly blow into our lives and completely disrupt them.

In the midst of life's storms we are frightened because our lives feel like a small fishing boat being tossed about by the sea. But if we would take a moment and look at the passenger manifest we might have our fears relieved. You see we are not alone on this ship of life. If you are a follower of Christ then he is on the ship with you. He was there when all the forces in this world were created. And because he is the Son of God he has the power to still all the storms of life.

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"David and Hurricane Goliath"
1 Samuel 17:32-49
Mark 4:35-41

"David and Goliath" - When I was growing up the story of David and Goliath was one of my favorite Bible stories. I guess it appeals to children. The hero of the story is a child who faced unbelievable odds and faithfully triumphs while the grown ups just sit around. I remember one time our children's choir put on a musical called "David and the Giant." All the boys wanted to be David, but I got the part. And Tom Putman, who was a seven foot tall adult, played the giant.

This story has been a favorite of children and parents throughout the ages. I am sure that Peter and James and John and the other disciples of Jesus heard it when they were growing up. I am sure they imagined themselves to be the great David as a boy. They could picture the Philistine giant laughing at the people of God as an unarmored boy comes out to do battle. They could imagine themselves dodging the spears as they aimed their slingshot. They could imagine in their hearts placing their full trust in God in the face of a huge force. I can see them in their childhood as James got up on John's shoulders and Peter pretended to slay them.

I can think of other times when the followers of the Son of David faced a storm. We all face storms and trials in our lives. Often times those storms seem huge. Sometimes they are literal hurricanes. I remember when Hurricane Hugo hit the SC coast. The devastation seemed insurmountable.

What are some of Goliaths we face today? Can you name some of the huge social and spiritual problems of our world? Poverty, racism, abortion, drugs, apathy, teen suicide, child abuse and neglect, immorality, apathy, materialism, selfishness. What are the Goliaths you face in your life: addiction, debt, family problems, loneliness, anxiety, faithlessness. I am sure there are people here today that face all those problems and others. All these problems are huge. There is no way that we can possibly defeat all these enemies and there are many we didn't even name. These are giant problems that create storms of turmoil in people's lives.