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"Your Sins Will Find You Out!"

Luke 23:32-43
Numbers 32:23

"Be sure your sins will find you out!" It sounds rather final doesn't it. Not "your sins might find you out." Not "your sins will probably find you out," or "some of your sins will find you out." But "Your sins will find you out." And that is from God's Word.

First your sins will find us out in our public lives. The prisons are full of people who thought their sins would not find them out. They thought they could get away with robbing, stealing, killing, selling drugs, and so on. It doesn't matter what the crime was, if found them out. White collar crime, blue collar crime, whatever. They discovered that if you do the crime, you do the time.

If your sins don't find you out in your public life, they will find you out in your inner life. The old saying is that there is no trust among thieves. If you wrong others you will expect them to wrong you. Because they are not trustworthy they expect others to be untrustworthy. Slowly their mistrust consumes them. In the same way some people allow hatred to eat them up in side until they are nothing but and empty shell.

If your sins don't find you out in you public life or your inner life, they will definitely find you out in the after life. To every person is appointed a time to die, and then the judgment. There will be a final reckoning for all. And all the deeds we have done will be known. The ones we have managed to hide from others. Those private sinful thoughts that all humans have. Even those sins that we have hidden from ourselves. And there will be a judgment for those sins.

Your sins will find you out. Once there were two men who thought their sins would not find them out. So these two men set about a life of crime. They were convinced that they would get away with it. So they broke the laws of God and the laws of the land they lived in.

We have all committed crimes against God. And our sins will find us out. They may not find us out like they did those two thieves on the crosses beside Jesus. But they will find us out. If not in this life then most definitely in the next. Because God has a record of all that we have done to offend the moral order of this universe.

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