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Alex's Short Stories

The stories on this site are the origial work of Alex Stevenson(mailto:[email protected]). I would appreciate comments and constructive criticisms including calling my attention to typos.


�Get Connected� - A story of a young man who makes a cyber conection that changes his life.

�Above the Waters� - What's on the other side of the mountain? Expreince the quest to answer this question as posed by an extraterrestrial life form on the moon of a gas giant.

"The Future of Christmas" - What's Christmas coming to? Join a futuristic family as they experience the joy of unwrapping Christmas gizmos and as they remember the meaning of Christmas.

"The Ultimate Duck Blind" - An incarnational parable.

�Life Without End. Amen� - What if people never died; if medical science got to the point where life didn't end?

�Seekers� - Find out what happenes when an extraterrestrial comes to a remote airbase seeking to encounter the intersection of the infinite with this plane of existance.


"The Rainmaker" - A man who claimes to be able to make rain arrives at a parched prarie town.

"Life!" - A vocational parable with eucharistic overtones. Does this story resonate with your call to ministry?

"Agnus Dei" - View a church committee meeting from the vantage point of the heavenly court.

"One Act" - Can one act change a life?


(Not that these stories themselves claim to be "Biblical" but rather that they use the Biblical narrative as their jumping off point.)

"A Boy Named Matt" - Based on the story of the Magi in Matthew's Gospel.

"The Princess and Her Friend" - A child's story of what happened when the holy family was in Egypt.