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"The First Sunday School"

Acts 2:37-42

The first Sunday School... I had always thought that Methodists invented the Sunday School. The legend goes something like this: Many of the factory workers and coal miners who came to know Christ through the efforts of the Methodists couldn't read. If they couldn't read how could they read their Bibles? That was a serious problem for a group of people who were known for their methodical study of the Bible. So classes were established to teach them on the only day they were not working: Sunday. And so the Sunday school was invented. The purpose was first to teach people to read so they could read their Bible's. But they used the Bible as their primer, so they learned its truths while learning to read and write.

Christian Education is fundamental to living out the Christian faith. And Sunday School is the primary means of obtaining a Christian education. We say that we are disciples of Jesus Christ. Well a disciple is one who learns at the feet of a master. If we are his disciples then we should gather at his feet and listen to his teachings. Since Jesus is not here in bodily form we should study his inspired Word and learn from his anointed teachers.

Christian education, and hence Sunday School, is important. And it is for all ages! Some people have the mistaken idea that Sunday School is only for children. If it were only for children we would not have adult classes.

Do you want to be a faithful disciples of Jesus Christ? Then go to Sunday School! Devote yourself to studying God's Word. Learn from the experiences of other Christians what it means to follow Jesus every day. Give and receive support in your Christian living.

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