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"I Thirst"

John 19:28-29

Jesus hung there on the cross. The blood, moisture, and life oozing out of his body. He knew the end was near. Then he said, "I thirst." His Roman torturers cruelly offered him vinegar to drink instead of water. And thus Jesus fulfilled Psalm 69 which says, "for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink."

The world often meets our needs by offering us vinegar. Every day people cry, "I Thirst!" What they need is the water of life. But instead the world offers poor substitutes. Instead of the love of God the world offers shallow relationships. People need compassion, and the world offers us a 900 number where someone will show us compassion; for a price. People need a relationship with their heavenly Father, and the world offers astrologers and psychics.

Jesus knows our needs and our frustrations. He experienced them in their utmost depth on the cross. We know pain, but he knew it in a way that most people rarely experience. He knew disgrace, but few have known the kind of degradation he went through. He was the victim of hatred on a level that few of us have ever experienced.

Christ was ridiculed, spat upon, offered vinegar, and killed for us. That is a fact. But some facts carry such force that they demand a response. It may be merely a fact that your house is burning down. However it is a fact that demands a response.

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