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Sermons on Vision

"God's Vision"
Isaiah 11:1-6
"What're God's Priorities?"
Joshua 24:14-15
"What is This Vision 2000"
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Hebrews 11:1, 8; 12:1-2
"Abraham: A Man of Vision"
Genesis 12:1-9
Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-12, 17-19

"What're God's Priorities?"
Joshua 24:14-15

Joshua gave the people a clear-cut challenge to set their priorities. Were they going to serve God or not? They were about to enter the Promised Land where they would be offered many other things to serve. They had better be intentional about deciding to make serving God a priority in their lives.

In my thinking to answer that question we should look at what God is doing at Grace. There are a few obvious observations about Grace that should set the stage. Grace is a warm friendly place. I have said over and over again that Grace is correctly named because people are gracious here. It is also a place where people and learn and grow and serve as Christians.

So what is God doing here? God is sending people our way so that they can become a part of this community of Grace. God sends them ere so they can experience the inspired studies of our Sunday School Classes and Bible Studies, so they can experience and participate in the praise led by our wonderful music program, so they can serve God in the many outreach opportunities that are available here, so they can fellowship and learn and grow and know Jesus and make him known to others!

"God's Vision"

Isaiah 11:1-6

God gave Isaiah a vision. It was a powerful vision. A vision of a future when peace would rule all creation. But it was a gift from God. Isaiah didn't make it up - God gave the vision.

To answer that we should look at what God is doing at Grace. I have served churches for 12 years now in South Carolina. What I see happening here at Grace is not just exceptional, it's phenomenal. We average 2 or 3 first time visitors every Sunday. Most churches are doing good to have a first time visitor every 2 or 3 months.

That's what is God doing here! God is sending people our way so that they can become a part of this community of Grace. God send them so they can experience the inspired studies of our Sunday School Classes and Bible Studies, so they can experience and participate in the praise led by our wonderful music program, so they can serve God in the many outreach opportunities that are available here, so they can fellowship and learn and grow and know Jesus and make him known to others!

"What is This Vision 2000"

Ezekiel 37:1-14
Hebrews 11:1, 8; 12:1-2

God Almighty is a God of Vision. Now when I say "vision" I am not necessarily talking about some mystical sight that someone sees. Occasionally a vision from God is like that as the Bible shows us. Paul saw a vision of Jesus on the road to Damascus. John saw a vision of a New Jerusalem coming out of heaven. More often than not a vision is a mental image that expresses the truth of something.

That God communicates through visions is unmistakable. All through the Bible God communicated through visions. When God was going to send his son he gave the prophets visions of a suffering servant, a shepherd who would die for the sheep. Peter saw a vision of unclean animals and was ordered to eat them to show that Gentiles who do such could be Christians. Paul saw a vision of a man calling him to Macedonia and he realized he was called to go there to preach the gospel. And in the darkest hour of the church when Christians were killed and imprisoned for their faith God gave a vision. John was given a Revelation of God's coming judgment of the world and the deliverance of God's people when Jesus returns.

Vision 2000 is an attempt to get the church tuned into this spiritual truth that God communicates through Visions. As the second millennium of the Christian Era comes to a close we begin to realize that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. Christianity has been going on for almost 2000 and we are part of that. And by God's will it will continue until Jesus comes again. We are part of something bigger than our plans for the quarter or for the year. We are part of God's plan for all time.

God has a plan for us as a congregation. God had a detailed itinerary of things he wants to do through us. The point is to grasp hold of that plan or that vision and show it to others. God is already at work. It is just a matter of jumping on the wagon with him.

But most importantly to follow a vision we must have faith. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen. God's promise in Christ is that we will prevail over the powers of this world. Believe that! Even when the task of spreading the Gospel seems too large, trust that God is already at work. When you cannot see the fulfillment of the vision, know that by the will of God it is coming.

"Abraham: A Man of Vision"

Genesis 12:1-9
Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-12, 17-19

Abram, better known to us as Abraham, was a man of vision! He was old when he had his vision. Most of his contemporaries would not have blamed him if he had simply stayed on his porch and watched the world go by. That's what most people do at his stage in life.

Many people believe it's truly foolish to follow your dreams. People dream up all kinds of things. Some would tell you that you have the power inside yourself to do what ever you can dream. "If you can visualize it you can make it happen" those people say. I don't believe that.

But you might say, "Hold on preacher. I have read the book of Genesis and Abraham's dreams did come true. He became the father of a great nation that possessed a promised land! But did Abraham's dreams come true or did God's dreams for Abraham come true. There's a big difference.

As people of faith we have a lot to learn from Abraham and Sarah. First thing to learn is not to confuse our dreams with God's dreams for us. We all have dreams, and God has dreams for all of us. Sometimes our dreams correspond to God's dreams. But we must be sure that we are seeking to do God's will not our own. To follow after dreams that we conjure up from within ourselves is foolishness, but to follow after dreams God has given us is faith.

It's no mistake that Abraham is used as the logo for the Vision 2000 movement in the United Methodist Church. He is an example of faith looking to the future. He was a man who had seen a vision of God's plan for him and his family. And Abraham put his faith in God to fulfill that vision. He believed in God to do the impossible and God did it! And that is what the Vision 2000 movement is all about. It is about congregation seeking a vision of God's will and making long term plans to be faithful to that will.

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