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"Wars and Rumors of Wars"
Isaiah 2:1-4
Matthew 24:3-8

I had plans this week. Three church members were having surgery and I had a meeting every night this week; two on Tuesday. But Tuesday all that changed. I had three hospital visits to make and two Bible Studies to teach and I had it all planned out. I was visiting Jud Thornton as my first visit of the day and we were talking about his knee when he said, "Is that the World trade center on fire?" I looked over my shoulder at the TV and it was. Thinking is was just a tragic fire we watched when suddenly out of the right side of the screen a jet came into the picture and hit the other tower. War and violence has a way of disrupting our lives doesn't it. But don't despair, the Word of God has something to say to our situation.

In the face of the reality of war Jesus' words don't seem to offer much hope. In fact at first glance they seem dismal. Jesus says, "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars." Also, "For nation will rise up sword against nation, and kingdom against kingdom." This sounds like wars will continue to happen just as they have in the past. People will continue to rise up and kill one another.

But Jesus Christ offers hope to the hopeless. Jesus said that these wars and rumors of wars must take place. This is the beginning of the birth pains. They are the beginning of the beginning. It will happen over and over again that people will kill each other over Lord only knows what. But this is a sign to us that something new is about to be born.

War is nothing new. We will have them with us until the end. The human race in its sinfulness cannot stop it. It's as inevitable as sin itself.

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