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Sermons for New Years Eve

Joshua 24:1-8, 14-15
"Are You Connected?"
John 15:1-8
"It's Time"
Ecclesiastes 3:1-13
"A New Testament"
Jeremiah 31:31-34

Joshua 24:1-8, 14-15

The old year is passing and a new year is upon us. People often take stock at the New Year. They review the past year and make resolutions for the new.

Well what can I say? God is Good! All the time. And all the time. God it good. God saw the plight of the human race lost in sin. And God sent his Son. We just celebrated the fact that he became one of us. Born as a homeless child to know firsthand our trials and to make God real in a wonderful way. God is Good! All the time. And all the time. God it good.

God has been good to us! So what will you do? You have a choice to make. Will you serve the gods of this world: the gods of wealth and power and popularity and consumption and materialism and meism? Or will you serve the God who came in the flesh to die for your sins.

"Are You Connected?"

John 15:1-8

It is important to be connected. Back in the 90's we talked about networking - making contacts with people. Then came cells phones and the internet. Networking was taken to a whole new level. Recently we had the 3G and then the 4 G networks.

Being connected is important. If you don't believe me just listen to the Bible. Jesus said, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower." To be fruitful the branches have to be connected to the vine. By being connected to the vine the branches can receive the nourishment they need to grow and thrive.

As you might have guessed the Ultimate G network is not available through Sprint, or Verizon, or AT&T. And you don't need a cell phone with browsing capabilities. What you do need is an open and willing heart. Then you can have the Ultimate connection with God. Through that connection you can know the source of all wisdom and truth. Through that connection you have access to the fruits and the gifts of the spirit. You can plug into the power source of universe and find strength and help in time of need. Through that connection you can receive the gifts and abilities you need to have a truly abundant life and eternal life.

"It's Time"

Ecclesiastes 3:1-13

Time: We have an interesting relationship with time. We measure time down to the nanosecond. We race time. We fight time. Time is the enemy. We cherish the times we have with loved ones. We waste time. Time's a wastin' What time is it anyway?

We are here tonight to mark time. An old year is passing and a new one is starting. This past year there were times we mourned and times we laughed. There were times of silence and times and speaking. There were times of weeping and times of dancing.

"A New Testament"

Jeremiah 31:31-34

"The days are surely coming says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the House of Judah." (Jer. 31:31) A "new covenant?" What's a covenant? "Covenant" is just not a world that people use much now a days. Basically a covenant was an agreement of contract between two parties. We are familiar with contracts. Two people sign a piece of paper and agree to fulfill certain responsibilities.

Another word for Covenant is Testament. That brings us to the passage in Jeremiah that we just read. Jeremiah says that God is drafting a new contract, a new covenant, a new testament. The old testament was written on stones and the people often ignored those written words. Often times they misunderstood or were led to misunderstand them. The laws were an expression of God's will, yet they could not see their true meaning.

We the present day church, are the fulfillment of that prophesy. Jesus came and died for our sins to pay for the price for our salvation. And he promised the Holy Spirit to all His believers. That Holy Spirit communicates with our hearts and helps us to see the true will of God.