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"Just Say Yes, to God"

Matthew 19:16-26

The man was rich! Before we go any further we need to firmly establish that fact, because the rest of the parable rests on it. The Man in this parable was rich - in many ways. He had great possessions, so he was rich materially. He is called a ruler by Luke's Gospel, so he must have had great power. And he was young, so he had the wealth of being healthy and having a future ahead on him. He had all that most people would want in life, wealth, power and youth. And like any rich young ruler he worked hard for what he had, and was accustomed to getting what he wanted. But he felt something missing.

Now Jesus had this guy figured out from the beginning. I believe the rich young ruler sincerely sought the kingdom of God, but he was seeking it on his own terms. This rich young ruler wanted to be in control of his participation in the kingdom. He wanted to control it just as he controlled his wealth and his subjects. You can see it in his question, he said, "what good deed must I do to earn eternal life." He didn't want to be given eternal life by someone else. He didn't want to be beholden to anyone even God. He was a self made man and he wanted to earn his salvation all by himself with no help form God, thank you.

I am going to change gears here for a minuet so don't lose me. I want to talk about drug abuse. Drug abuse, whether it be abuse of alcohol, cocaine or diet pills, is one of the number one problems in our society. It is a thief that robs from us and drains the life blood of our culture. It steals lives. Every year thousands of people young and old throw their lives away to drugs. I am not just talking about throwing away their future I mean their very lives. Each year more and more people, young and old, die because of drug or alcohol abuse. It steals money. Every year people spend huge sums of money to support their habits. Also many turn to crime which makes our taxes and insurance rates go up. All that money could be put to good use but instead it supports someone's habit. It steals families. For the drug addict the only thing that matters is the next fix. It is an obsession which rules their lives. As a result families are torn apart because the substance being abused means more than their closest relationships. In short Drug and alcohol abuse is a major social problem in our society which could damage the very foundation of our country.

You may ask,"well preacher that is nice but what does that have to do with the rich young ruler?" Basically the rich young ruler and the drug addict have the same basic problem. They are trying to trust in their own abilities and that is what is keeping then for being saved. The Rich young ruler was a self made man. He was in control of his life and he greatly valued his independence. He valued it so much that he would not give it and the money that came with it up for the Kingdom of heaven. Even though he dearly desired the reign of God in his heart he would not admit that he couldn't do it and that he would need to surrender himself to a higher power. In the same way the drug addict suffers from the illusion that they are in control. They say "I could give up at any time." And yet they never can seem to. They want and need to believe that they are in control. For it is frightful to take the first step of those twelve steps and admit that my life is out of control. So like the rich young ruler, the drug addict loves their illusion of control more than the reality of their own helplessness.

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