Preacher Stevenson's Holiday Pages

Alex's Short Stories
What's Here:

Page 1:
  • Legend of the Candy Cane
  • Reconsidering the Innkeeper
  • 1 Corinthians 13, Christmas Version

  • Page 2:
  • The 12 Days of Christmas
  • "The 12 Days of Christmas" - the song
  • What's a Chrismon?
  • Advent
  • Advent Wreaths

  • Page 3:
  • Saint Nicholas (alias Santa Claus)
  • Stockings
  • Why is Christmas in December?
  • Legend of the Christmas Candle

  • Page 4:
  • The Three Kings
  • The Star of Bethlehem
  • The gifts of the Magi
  • Should Christians Give Gifts?
  • Eight Gifts That Don�t Cost a Cent
  • Why "Christmas"?

  • Page 5:
  • Legend of the Poinsettia
  • Holly
  • Legend of the Shepherd Boy and the Wreath
  • Rosemary
  • The Christmas Rose
  • Ivy
  • Christmas Tree
  • Mistletoe

  • Page 6:
  • Chanukah
  • Kwanzaa
  • Christmas Links
  • Awards

  • Short Stories:

    My Favorite Christmas Stories

    "The Future of Christmas"

    "A Boy Named Matt"

    "Agnus Dei: An Advent Meditation"

    "The Princess and Her Friend"


    Agnus Dei
    An Advent Meditation

    ...and I turned and behold I saw in heaven three large thrones which appeared as one. Two were empty and in the middle throne was one who's face shone with the radiance of a thousand suns, and around the three thrones were 24 smaller thrones and in them were 24 elders 12 before the throne and 12 after. And the 24 elders were gathered in prayers to the one whose light illuminated all heaven. And this was the prayer they prayed, "Blessings of mercy and grace be to the blind of the earth." And they were singing "praise be to the one who is Almighty and merciful, just and gracious."

    Then suddenly there appeared in the midst of the assembly an angel hovering just above the heads of the elders. The angel's voice was as six thousand trumpets. And the angel said, "The time has come! The Committee meeting has been called to order and those assembled have begun. Let us attend to the work of the Lord." Then there appeared in the assembly a large cube and in that cube could be seen a group of mortals sitting around an old table and talking. And one of the Elders turned to me and said, "Who are these whose lives we are looking upon?" "You know" said I. The Elder replied, "These are a committee of the First Church. They are meeting to discuss their work which concerns Agnus, a child of God."

    While the elder was speaking there appeared beside the cube in which the committee was meeting another smaller cube. In it was a woman walking down the street with a baby in her arms. Her hair was matted and she was thin and pale from hunger, shivering in the cold. She was such a pity to look upon that I turned my eyes. Then one of the elders said, "Look! Who is she?" And scared I said, "You know lord." And the elder said, "She is Agnus. Agnus Dee, a child of God."

    Then one of the Elders said, "Listen for the time is approaching and if you are unaware or not awake you will miss it for the kingdom comes as a thief in the night!" So I looked and behold I could hear the talking of the people in the meeting: "How is the work coming on the Cantata?" said the one at the head of the table. "Very well. We should be ready by Christmas Eve." "Good! John, have we fixed that leak in the narthex?" "Yes, but the..."

    Then I looked up and saw Agnus and her baby walking down the street. As the snow fell she passed brightly decorated windows with lights and brightly dressed mannequins. Then she came to one window with a plastic fireplace and a fake fire letting off a glow. She pulled her baby closer to herself as she stared at the glow of the fire and the snow fell around them like unanswered prayers. She closed her eyes and looked up.